Kino Fist

Yeah, one of the characters keeps talking about how Saturn is in retrograde or something and that the planet is an evil influence.

Yeah, one of the characters keeps talking about how Saturn is in retrograde or something and that the planet is an evil influence.

There's also this darkly humorous logic to Leatherface and his family. They can't butcher cows anymore so what else are they going to kill?

There's also this darkly humorous logic to Leatherface and his family. They can't butcher cows anymore so what else are they going to kill?

Yeah, it almost becomes an experimental film near the end. All those insane, twisted close-ups of Burns' eyes, her constant screaming, and the weird industrial noises Hooper keeps dropping in, and the film becomes utterly terrifying.

Yeah, it almost becomes an experimental film near the end. All those insane, twisted close-ups of Burns' eyes, her constant screaming, and the weird industrial noises Hooper keeps dropping in, and the film becomes utterly terrifying.

Yeah, I just watched it and was surprised by that as well. It's always very raw and immediate, but there's a lot of complicated camerawork and long takes. The example that sticks out for me is when the gas station owner is shoving Burns into his truck and the camera keeps panning in and out of the truck window as he

Yeah, I just watched it and was surprised by that as well. It's always very raw and immediate, but there's a lot of complicated camerawork and long takes. The example that sticks out for me is when the gas station owner is shoving Burns into his truck and the camera keeps panning in and out of the truck window as he

Yeah, her wild-eyed insanity in a few scenes caught me off guard. It was an aspect of her performance I hadn't heard about beforehand.

I thought there were a few moments of black comedy, but those deserved more of a light chuckle than howls of laughter. For the most part you're right, this film is very tense and disturbing.

I agree, it is a theme the show is obsessed with, along with the more metaphorical "death" of the old guard way of doing things. This specific vision did have different flavor though, and there is no convenient explanation for why Don has a vision of Bert. Basically, I'm excited to watch the next season to see if it

Yup, I totally thought the song would end and the show would cut to black with Don spasming on the floor while his co-workers gather around him panic-stricken.

I'm curious as to why Don keeps having visions of dead people. Seeing Anna makes sense because he was wasted and sleep-deprived. Seeing his dead brother makes sense because he was being knocked out for dental surgery. There isn't really a similar explanation for why he sees Bert here. I don't know if it's an

Picnic at Hanging Rock is probably the most accurate depiction of Lovecraft-style horror (people driven mad by some unknowable, ancient force) ever put to film.

Ah Jesus, that's how far that scene goes? I covered my eyes through the entirety of that section.

I just watched my first Bresson film, Au Hasard Balthazar, and the acting made it very hard for me to engage with the film. I know the point is to strip away anything artificial or theatrical about the performances, but it went a little too far. It got to be almost laughable to me that these awful things were

I've mentioned this before to people not in the US, but you need an american credit/debit card to keep the service. I imagine there are ways to get around that, but it's probably not super easy.

I have a question. I'm trying out online dating for the first time, but I don't really know the best way to start conversations. Should I try to pick a common interest from their profile and inquire about it? Or should I just say hi, introduce myself, and ask how the other person is doing? If anyone has suggestions
