
The current plan is to just use the current Air Force Ranks. So he’ll go from Captain in the Air Force to Captain in the Space Force. As far as I know, which isn’t a lot since he doesn’t even transition over for another two years, Space Force will mostly just be handling a lot of the things that the Air Force was in

They just announced that it was a rash, and both patients were known to be hyper-allergic, so they had their epidural-pens with them.  I agree that the anti-vaxxers will love it, no matter how mild it was.

Username checks out.

What is there to cure when the survivability rate for anyone infected with covid is over 99%.

Kinda easy to guess. Anaphylaxis.

Mum got the vaccine yesterday too. For about a half hour she had superpowers.

Musk aggressively railed against [his girlfriend], asking why she had hair on her face (referring to the slight peach fuzz that everyone has, visible under the bright light of the club’s awning). “Because I’m a mammal,” the girlfriend replied

I’ve said it a million times already, but I’ll say it a million more: Fuck Elon Musk.

Maybe not Jesus, but at least not fucking assholes that do more damage than good, like Musk and both of your examples are.

I only got you out of the grays, because it should be very clear without Gizmodo that Elon Musk has done plenty of public interviews and interactions where he comes off as a clear, undisputable asshole.

What a crass thing to say. I have loved rocks for all 31 years of my life and will continue to be in awe of them until the day I am on my deathbed. On screen or off! Hrmph

For anyone who has spent any material time on a bike, It doesn’t get easier. You just go faster. For those  that weren’t on bikes in the first place. Every bit of activity helps. 

There’s only a small amount of data out, but so far it looks like ebike users burn a comparable amount of energy to non-electric bike users. Apparently they go further and use them for more trips than traditional cyclists, so over the long term it all evens out.

. If we’re serious about reducing emissions, dirty gas-guzzling cars have got to go.”

Gizmodo to oil and car industry: F-U.

i would respectfully disagree as here in Scandinavia, specifically for me in Copenhagen, we bike (electric and regular) year round, 365 days, rain, snow or shine - all ages. For us it’s a matter of choosing the right clothing, not choosing the right weather.

60lbs holy cow. I bought this bike through Walmart of all places which seems to have gotten it from some midwest ditributor who got it from China. It is an amazingly well built bike, super light weight and convenient. I used to ride it around campus when university campus was still a thing. I could fold it up and