
Dave, you probabbly need to turn on your spell checker. Or ask one of your female staffers to consent to do so after she graciously agrees to your request for a blow job.

I don't know — maybe that he fucks women working for him?

you forgot the original!

Julian Assange, could you do us all a solid here?

Webb Pierce

How do those numbers break down by party?

"Rape, pillage & plunder—it's not an adventure, it's a job!"

5 p.m. — CMT — Good Will Hunting

"Old soldiers never die."

Now playing

they did some decent social commentary even after the fun boy 3 left

you definitely don't want her peeing at your house

Reverserd on a technicality, although the Supremes initially wanted to uphold the conviction. There's a HBO movie that shows how the decision came about, in a somewhat overdramatized fashion.

"Big deal."

"So we beat on, offense against the defense, borne forward ceaselessly into the end zone."

was he carrying Kobe's luggage?


Don't I know, Robert
