some snakes are cute.
some snakes are cute.
haha truuuuu :)
Quirky is one way to put it. I actually quite like her visual art , but her attention whore-dom was kinda gross, have you seen her in the rock and roll circus where just screams into the mic and everyone that is not John Lennon is like, ok cute, but by minute 5 or 6 the other musicians who are being forced to play…
ok so i was paid to be in a maroon 5 video when i used to be a model in London, it must have been 2004. Don’t remember the song, the idea of the vid was they came into a karaoke bar and everyone was singing their song or some shit and they partied with these karaoke bar attendees, who were basically equally split in…
I enjoyed your succinct assessment.
haha hit and miss is right.
best best comment thank you so much :D I literally smiled.
All the stars. What even was that comment?
The stand out line in this for me was that she says to wear jeans she has to eat ‘green things for 3 months’. If she would buy jeans that normal people wear, she could fit into them right now. her jeans are the type of jeans emaciated people in films wear, so the problem is not jeans, it’s the fact that women can’t be…
I guess you are free to not enjoy seeing nakedness but on the other hand why let it affect you at all. It’s just some skin. The pic was kinda weird and maybe gross (shower floor?).
I’m from the UK and I pronounce it Tammy Win-net and then when I lived in North America they laughed at me and said it’s Why-net.
Wot Vancouver didn’t get the joke?
Abso fucking lutely. My mom’s friends all used to get weak kneed about him (before it came out that he regularly punched and choked women who thought they were on a date with him.) I have never understood the appeal. The NYRB has put its reputation on the line as far as im’ concerned.
I have a subscription to NYRB, and I live in EU so it won’t have been sent yet. What’s my best way to protest this - should I call and tell dispatching not to send me this issue, or should i send it back unopened? Any other ideas?
I was living in Canada while the whole ghomeshi thing was going on and it makes me feel…
Dude, a potato has range for weeks! Chips, mash, fries, dauphinoise, salad, croquettes, soups, baked, wedges, curly fries, boiled, sauted, lemony in the oven greek-style, roasted, omg if J garner could do even a fraction of what a potato can do....
So like, not following her private twitter and reporting what she says... like, not reading articles reporting what she says on her private twitter... U sure u want her to shut the fuck up? Or do like that she brings tha dramaaa
Yeah plus there are different accents as you go back, oh say, a few hundred years.
this needs mo’ stahs
“make money off of its now IGTV platform”