
Or, "you won't listen to me talking about skinny dipping so say what you gotta say to get the hell out of your head, dummy" :) But yeah that was some very faithful girlfriending there haha.

Below. A comment below. :P

"So you know, back at ayou" "bless you!"

You don't know how lucky you are, boy.

You got that waaay backwards.

I actually thought Dana Brody was great, until that whole killing a homeless guy with a car took her entire storyline off the rails. It was an incredibly abrupt "and now, Kim finds a cougar in the woods" moment for a show that had handled most things really well to that point.

I think it comes down to the attitudes of people exactly as described above: "I guess I didn't hate her. She was just extremely annoying for awhile there. She had every right to be, but still."

Right in one!

I have watched neither TOS nor TNGs2 enough to endorse what you say but it does sound probably right :) Sometime soon I'll be doing a full TNG rewatch and I'll be sure to keep careful notes!

You must not have seen the 30,000 other comments on this topic. I disagree with you, mostly because there's no such thing as an "Army" on Mars, but I don't really care to get into it again.

Maybe Rey and Chewy are having a torrid affair and that's why he's letting her newbie ass pilot the Falcon after he put in THIRTY GODDAMN YEARS in the cockpit?

Hey, she was under a lot of stress in that one, it doesn't mean she has anything against Walki-, uh, I mean Wookies.

Wasn't it like, 2 years? Still, fair point :)

I suspect it's not the actual success of the movie he has a problem with, more the "superfan worship" that I can easily see driving more private people crazy.

No idea, never watched it :P

I think the whole Data attitude is what really turned people off of her. While she had some of Bones' quality, the Data problem wasn't done in that cute "dang green-blooded Vulcan!" grumpy old man thing, it was this clinically detached "oh, you're not really a person based on my criteria" kind of thing.

You know, they kinda alternated on that doctor thing, right? Bones is an old grump, Beverly is this motherly caring figure, Bashir is an arrogant brat, and the EMH was literally programmed to be a doctor (though admittedly his personality is more on the Bashir side).

Oh nooo!

Yeah I think it's over the top. I can understand that it can be instinctively offputting, the way they played that for maximum heartstring pulling, like the real hero here is all the people learning not to be intolerant. It's such a sensitive subject we tend to develop a very specific expectation for the exact right

It's fair to remember that TCs go on for days, and every person is explicitly prompted for their feelings on what's going on. I doubt she was steamrolling over anything Zeke had to say to talk about herself, more like the editors thought her piece was the most useful for their emotional manipulations out of the full