
But weren't the multiple conversations where everyone was laying out the agenda enough without dedicating a whole setpiece for it? We had:
* Syd and Cary repeating "here's the situation" to each other, TWICE, just in case it wasn't clear the first time.
* Lenny straight up telling David she had run-ins with his father,

Someone called them babushka dolls in another comment, just riffing off that :) I'm far too lazy to actually look up real Russian words…


"Life is what Mars gave it, and life is what it's taking back."

I'll be honest, I still don't really know who Rebecca Ferguson…is. Is this her breakout role?

The chalkboard sequence was cool but stuck out like a sore thumb to me as "LET'S MAKE SURE THE PEOPLE WHO WERE GETTING ANNOYED THEY COULDN'T FOLLOW IT GET ALL THEIR ANSWERS SO THEY KEEP WATCHING AFTER THE FINALE". Syd & Cary's 1 minute back and forth, Amy's flashback, and Lenny & David's conversations seemed like

Sydney and David putting their notes together after this season is all over…
Syd: "Haha, he had a British accent? Let me hear it!"
David: "Oh, ha, nah, I don't think I can…"
Syd: "Come on!"
David: "Okay, well…" [puts on accent] "…how do you like the sound of this?" [it is the most awful, cartoony attempt at a British

I guess I was wrong about them being done with Division 3 for this season. Even so, without looking at the finale trailer, I'm assuming the fight is going to be over 50% against the Shadow King so David can get full control of himself and once that's done the Div3 stuff will be handled pretty easily. Kind of like

I slightly resent the implication that "Rational!David" in any way communicates your meaning better than "Rational David". It certainly makes it harder to read, visually.

I thought possibly two weeks ago when they were following David to where Amy was being held, they might've mentioned it. I feel like that's when I started seeing the name here too. Could've just been in the credits though.

It was very cool-ly done although personally I thought for a show that wasn't afraid to confuse us and make us work through it for 6 episodes, it was a little bit of a cop-out to just hand the full story to us fully dissected on a silver platter "in case it was too hard", felt a little condescending on a meta level.

Oliver was so cool, that right before Division 3 popped out I thought somehow he was working for the Shadow King. Then when Division 3 popped out I thought he was working for them. I guess he's just that cool.

Oh I think he's still good and smarmy. But ALSO clever and…mostly likeable :)

Yeah I liked how they mildly faked out the heroic sacrifice, spun-in-front-of-the-bullets thing for a moment. I mean, at first I just assumed he was dodging them both out of the way and letting them hit the wall, so I was like "why the hell are you still standing in the line of fire if you can move that fast?" But

I just don't trust any video tech other than Vimeo, Netflix and YouTube at this point. Even when they seem to work for awhile the networks/whoever always seem to insist on tweaking and overcomplicating them until they become shit again.

Alternate version of the Eye's death: After Rudy flings Lenny away, Kerry walks over to the Eye and UNcrumples him. Then she pulls out the bat and swings. The action drops into slow motion. We cut back and forth as the swing connects in the astral plane and real life, together with David exploding the hospital,

I'm personally hoping Rudy is still alive in David's mind, and that's how he starts developing his multiple personality thing from the comics. (Dollhouse also did this in its finale, although the way it played out had some flaws I won't get into…) I just hope when David lets Rudy out to have his turn in the sun we get

The X wheelchair seemed a little more than "blink and you'll miss it" haha. That moment, like the entire exposition scene, was pretty baldfaced about basically laying out all the mysteries once and for all.

Watch High Maintenance!

I wouldn't necessarily say "realist", more like "fatalist". He's scarred by his past, and his past got pretty real. Now he sees it everywhere, including in Russia's future. Not something the Jennings really want to see.