This is such a Shia comment.
This is such a Shia comment.
I will agree with your message but disagree with your nomenclature, this is definitely not a recap - the intention is to discuss the quality, not go over every plot point blow-by-blow. (That said, reviews of half hour shows tend to recap a lot just because in the process of talking about it you'll end up covering most…
When the blacks weren't so uppity we all got along just fine!
I think it might even have been "Meat Trough"? Even better!
I mean, I can never ever forget the brief auditory glimpse we got of the Bad Place. Which is part of a system that Michael and the Powers That Be are pretty much fine with. In conclusion, the entire system is completely fucked up and I am ready to assume any aspect of it, including the concept of soulmates, is a…
I fully support reprogramming Janet so she is booty dancing at all times.
I juuuust finished binge-rewatching that, what a coincidence! Although the humorously cloying tone of the Good Place often reminds me of Pushing Daisies even more :)
Ey look at that, a year after you finished these reviews, SaveWonderfalls updated for the first time in a decade and gave you a shoutout! You've made your mark, Chappell.
I'm not totally buying the crook having moral qualms, he kinda seemed like he was planning on leaving Jaye in a ditch once he'd gotten away. The whole "I'm not a double homicide guy" bit was back when he basically was panicking and expecting to get caught, asking Sharon "how bad is this for me" and such.
Bingeing on my most recent rewatch continues to pay dividends: the "make love like a black man" bit is a nice reversal of "I'm somebody's brother" last episode! Oh Aaron, you are a sly dog, you'll twist things any way you want won't you.
Jewel Staite is so good. Look at that cold look she blasts Jaye with as Eric gives introductions. She doesn't even need lines!
Lying pig! The next episode doesn't pick up where this leaves off…it picks up just BEFORE this one leaves off :P
The top quote and "Somebody stop me, I can't help myself!" as Jaye stomps all over the heart are great lines, but Caroline's hysterical delivery really elevates it to the next level.
My third rewatch may be the first time I caught this:
"You're not wearing pants."
"I was about to get some."
"Well, you're certainly undressed for it."
Complete with sly looks. These two are sizzlin. But who wouldn't have chemistry with Lee Pace?
Binge watching these for the first time makes it much more apparent that this is a problem - just last episode Mahandra was badgering Jaye to get busy putting the moves on the guy! Failed to notice that on my first or second run-through.
Updates upon latest rewatch: I really like the down-to-earth "what am I gonna do with this kid, I miss my wife" low key vibe the dad plays. Genuinely touching. Makes the rockin' trailer even more of a goofy funny resolution!
I have compared the lovely Canadian brunette Caroline Dhavernas to lovely Canadian brunette Robin Scherbatsky before, and it occurs to me this is/would've been a good time to do it again.
First AMERICAN woman to go over Niagara Falls…and live!
"He got run over." - Jaye
"I'm sure you didn't mean to." - Mahandra, Jaye's best friend
Would Jaye be more or less indignant if Mahandra wasn't right on the money? Either way it's hilarious.
The final cruel blow. Hopefully some small good was done, in keeping up fan interest enough to pressure them to release the unaired ones later!