Love the Hot Dog deadpan. Yes, young Olmos, launching your viper into a reentry inferno probably WILL be different! Good note :)
Love the Hot Dog deadpan. Yes, young Olmos, launching your viper into a reentry inferno probably WILL be different! Good note :)
Well, there was a make out scene between Starbuck and Leoben this week, it just wasn't that awesome for Leoben :) Okay, not so much for Starbuck either…
Tigh's "not everybody" at the end really put the pin in it for me. The scene itself was like holding my breath, then when he has to "admit" what happened you let it all out.
What a perfect episode for your farewell :*/
Getting reviews from a textjob, that'll be the day.
Which should be a lesson to all of us not to procrastinate. "I'll just put it off 'til this summer", he says, and before you know it he becomes management and never finishes his magnum opus!
I could've sworn that sequence took like three whole minutes; it turned out to be about 40 seconds from jump-in to jump-out. That tells you how much of a "holy shit" factor my brain applies to it :)
It was tempting to wait a couple years to upvote this (since, you know, I'm one of the guys who does that), but yes, as a late watcher who will still jump into the comments afterward I find it insulting for advertisers not to care about me :/
And Rappin' Lee Adama.
Well now Kent AND Kate have earned a place in my heart! I seriously only came here to make sure that reference got some love :) But as long as I'm here…eh, sure, solid season, nice job Veep.
Yes, I think that is the overall problem - everyone is as dumb as they need to be to set up some slightly lazy plots. I like the overall points they're touching on even if the details are super fuzzy, so I'm trying not to let it bug me.
Yeah I mean I read the pause as "the moment of tension to see if it was real" (to be later subverted) not "the moment of tension to see if Guilfoyle would call him out", but it was ambiguous for sure.
I don't watch a ton of ads, for chairs or otherwise.
I figured Bernice was prominent just to have a sort of feel-good personal connection for Richard amongst all the doom and gloom, but it could be more, yes.
I mean, I can somewhat forgive Monica for assuming basic competence in that department since *I* also assumed it. Furthermore the "testing methodology" of sampling from their friends, while terribly flawed, would still be unlikely to produce such blinded results. Like, if you polled 40 random Silicon Valley engineers…
Ah kay, totally missed that, must've zoned out. I'd think they could still sue maybe though. Erlich wouldn't have seemed like someone to let that go.
At the same time it would've felt pretty token-y to have the woman who knew nothing about the technology at first but is just really nice and patient and supportive be put into this unrealistically important position. Nicer would be to just, you know, cast a non-white woman as one of the many other characters who is a…
Interesting idea, although I imagine it would lead to a whole nother level of backlash :)
I think you misread, they did base it on the chairs one - I mean come on, the dialogue and use of furniture was IMPOSSIBLY on point for that to be a coincidence haha. Zach Woods did see a DIFFERENT ad (for Uber) and ask if it was based on that, which struck a similar tone but was filmed later and used "atoms" instead…
This is not really anything the show is interested in exploring, but I will say that there's a certain segment of folks who don't really like the idea of the cloud so much and prefer TO have the bits on their devices, no matter how pretty the explanation is of how cool it all is. Sure, sync my devices using your sick…