the vaping teens are the future of the democrat party...yikes.
shut the fuck up and die tomato.
He’s just your viciously unfriendly neighborhood Schneiderman!
It’s not a big deal; just ask one of the women he keeps locked in cages in his basement!
Yes, this! I had a ‘Bible As Literature’ course in high school and the students who did the most poorly were the Christian fundies who kept objecting to things like analyzing the authorship of the various chapters; you know, all the things one does when studying literature.
“without fucking therapy dogs”
But those who need to hear this most won’t hear me, though.
trying too hard mang
Bernie *is* her mentor, after all. That’s what he does best.
Yep. Show me the progressive politician who can get elected in a state that went for Trump by 42%.
You guy a can’t even get your propo right. Carter Center’s opinion on the last observed Venezuelan election in 2012 was timid at best and the CC has been shitting all over Maduro and his naked power grabs the last two years.
While the Carter Center may have found previous elections in Venezuela to be valid (and indeed previously praised the Venezuelan electoral system), the same cannot be said about the more recent elections. The Carter Center explicitly condemned the process of the 2017 Constituent Assembly election, with the their…
It doesn’t take a PhD in International Relations to know that the guy who succeeded Chavez is an authoritarian sack of shit.
Damn. She was so close to the point of getting flustered enough where she would have said her own name backwards and be sent back to the 5th Dimension.
fair—tweaked the phrasing to make it a bit clearer that it’s about their tournament results, not their tennis abilities. Definitely did not mean to suggest that playing Roger Federer over and over and over doesn’t make you better at tennis.
I honestly wonder if the people constantly bitching about Manchin know anything about West Virginia and/or its electorate. I mean seriously it’s goddamn WEST VIRGINIA. The land of opiates and coal.
He should have formed a punk cover band of the Beatles.
I understand your confusion and have provided a summary of the article below:
Thanks, all I need to stay regular is three daily blow jobs from your mom.