Behold! The Fourth Estate?
Behold! The Fourth Estate?
The court case you are looking for is Sherrill case on revoking a white house press pass
Yeah, there is something to be said about not apologizing if, say, the jokes were about his political agenda.
I think it probably was wrong of Davidson. If a republican had made fun of the way Tammy Duckworth looked as a result of injuries sustained during war time I think people on the left would lose their minds to the same degree and use it as “evidence” of hating troops or whatever.
So congrats, SNL, you made conservatives extremely happy! But if you’re so concerned with doing the right thing, shining a light on Crenshaw’s dangerous politics might be a better place to start.
takes some monster balls to make that call, for sure
I thought “Halle Berry” was Helen Keller’s call for a last-ditch throw deep into the end zone?
This is absurd. This is literally the law, and Trump and cronies are trying to paint this as something shady and nefarious when it’s not. This is a straight up lie and assault on democratic processes. The media better call this out hard.
I think this portrait of him is more accurately evocative
Yuuuuup. Pelosi’s challenge to the leadership last time around was from Tim Ryan and his supporters, NOT the more progressive wing of the party, and understandably that was right after Dems got walloped in 2016. People on this site are acting like the “blue wave” was just because a bunch of young progressives who got…
I was always rather meh about Pelosi, but before the 2016 election a few jezebel commenters here pointed out how extremely good she has been, historically, at her job. Not saying that this still holds true, or that I wouldn’t welcome someone more overtly progressive, but it’s admittedly easy to fall into the…
their problem with Pelosi is her vagina, or rather that she is attached to one.
Now that I’ve googled FL-1 and discovered that it’s the “Floribama Shore,” everything makes way more sense.
Done as directed, sensing no tone of sarcasm. (You know what I mean, if you’re around to see this.)
That’s sexist!
Am I missing something here?
Katherine Krueger for the win!
Mr. Deck,
Because Booker doesn’t have a halo, I guess? He flunks the purity test. Far too pragmatic.
also Nolan please let me out of the greys I’ve been a fan forever I even liked zen koans!