
Which white nationalist organizations should he have specifically called “terrorist” that he didn’t?

But what effect does age play on the position of president?

I’m not mischaracterizing anything, because Shapiro is clearly being a hypocrite when it comes to the whole “don’t name them” business.  If the terrorist is Islamic, he’ll write volumes of material about them.  

I recently decided to get back into Skyrim again, this time with a modest enough list of mods that I don’t end up spending half my time attempting to jury rig the game to run properly. Some stuff that adds more magic spells to the game, a few new lands/quest mods, and other “core” tweaks, bug fixes and the “Immersive”

Eh, lame.

Then why was that smarmy little shit saying Omar Mateen’s name last month on Twitter?

Well, if you are pretty confident that you’ll wind up spending a given amount of money on your deductibles co-pays and various other expenses you could get reimbursed out of the FSA, those are pre-tax dollars going into the account, which means you get an effective savings on them of whatever your marginal tax rate is.

I mean, look, to the extent you can be dead certain that you will spend no less than x dollars per year for regular/ongoing stuff, using an FSA makes sense .... I guess.

called Donald Trump as a “symbol of white supremacy”

Yeah, the problem of Saudi Arabia being extremely shitty and retrograde, but also a critical ally under most standard U.S. foreign policy paradigms, definitely predates Trump. 

it seems clear that any reasonable moral solution to the war there

So they should promise protectionism that will lead us to economic obsolescence? Clinton doesn’t have the personality to sell that idea.

The most revealing moment came when a local man asked him about a Siemens factory in town that had shut down, and how he planned to keep those types of jobs in America.

This news is not just bizarre because Dawson is a 10 and Booker is like, a 6, maybe, but because the couple’s politics don’t line up. During the 2016 primary, Dawson endorsed Bernie Sanders, whose positions are significantly to the left of Booker’s.

Then again, I find myself particularly irked by the multiple examples of how the freshman Democrats themselves aren’t all that willing to be critical of Pelosi

I’s too early to think about what we would have to do if we didn’t have Jussie.  

Eh, it all sounds good except for the moderating a community part.   

To me, it depends on the frosting. Your basic, from a can, glop of pure food colored sugar ... keep that shit thin. A rich, cream cheese based frosting on the other hand ... don’t ruin it with cake.

The onion method for cleaning a grill works very well. Funnily enough, what’s old is new again, as the place I learned about the onion method was ... Lifehacker.

It’s definitely tomato, but I give him huge points for aping what that doof is saying about this.