Is Jaden Smith no longer a weirdo?
Is Jaden Smith no longer a weirdo?
In the sense that escapism is cool and extending the experience is great, sure, but I think it would be pretty bold to allow for that destruction to create the power vacuum that typically forms that ultimately harms at least some of the people you ostensibly were trying to help by killing the bad guys.
I really feel like that moment was among our lowest moments during the Trump administration. Not our most heinous (child separation) or the most depressing in terms of our long term prognostication (“many fine people on both sides”) just our ... lowest. Like, it was just so, so, so, so pathetic.
Can we target Jupiter instead? I’m not an astrophysicist, but adding that much warm fissionable gaseous volume to the sun just seems like it might cause some sort of problem.
Trump trying to manipulate Gary Cohn is like Joffrey Baratheon trying to manipulate Petyr Baelish.
to make disaster relief seem fun.
Except, in the case of Sanders, he’s not even a DINO!
I suspect the same commenters who are upset with Bernie Sanders also think Ocasio-Cortez is likely to wind up walking the same path over the next few decades. I know I sure do.
This doesn’t even take note of the fact that one of the side effects of just how good we were at killing Native Americans is that if you’re in for doing it for black people, the expense of doing it for Native Americans ain’t that much.
Medicare for all! Green New Deal! Fundamentally restructure the U.S. economy in ways that not even social democracies in the EU have really tried based on a macroeconomic model that has never been tested!
That’s not actually a counterpoint though.
I honestly think a true single payer system requires such a massive education of the American electorate that it’s not feasible as a goal in terms of a policy to pursue immediately from where we are now.
Yeah, basically, the conversation was “You’re a doodoo head!” and then Stephens responded with “You shouldn’t call people doo doo heads!” and then “Here are a compelling facts that prove you are a doo doo head! ”
The underlying story reads like a payroll processing system issue. As I understand it, some of the proprietary software systems that the government uses to do stuff are held together by the coding equivalent of duct tape, spit and the aggregated muttered curses of developers responsible for maintaining them. Which…
Joel Osteen’s a lot of ridiculous things, but he’s definitely not a part of the evangelical conservative legion. They could go to Gateway church in Dallas. They are unabashed political conservatives. Bonus points because they helped Mark “Women Are Penis Homes” Driscoll get back on his feet after being pushed out by…
I think you round them all up at once so you can put pressure on them to give you more information on R. Kelly.
Yes, as I said, I understand that national expenditures would go down under single payer. That’s not the problem you gap toothed fuckwit. Now fuck off.
Sigh, you people are all the same. So absolutist in your zeal that you can’t see nuance in anyone who doesn’t go along with you. My point isn’t that we shouldn’t do it, my point is that if you want to build a legislatively sustainable single payer system you need to stop glossing over things that are going give a…
The black vote, in addition to being almost entirely Democratic, also typically has a high degree of solidarity within Democratic primary. Point being that the implication in your comment that they won’t consolidate behind someone might be incorrect. The field’s crowded enough that they might diversify some, but if…
No, I’m not looking at incorrectly because I very much understand that. What you are underestimating is the challenge of getting the American people on board with that fundamental a rearrangement of where that money lives and is spent from on our national balance sheet. No matter what the child from Britain writing…