
Yeah we didn’t go but we were fortunate enough that our mom could stay home. We all turned out pretty great and there’s only one non-STEM in the half dozen of us. We still like him anyway. Nowadays though I think if both parents need to work anyway that preschool is a heck of a lot cheaper than a private nanny or

Yessss. I love big closed kitchens. I love to bake and cook and it’s my own little escape and sometimes I like to “let the dishes soak” which is code for I just wanna eat these muffins on the couch. But I can’t do that if my couch is in the same room as the dining room and the kitchen where I can see my soaking pans

Yay Washington state for having mail in ballots.

I’m not calling Dominos great pizza... but it is still blowing my mind that people are placing it below Pizza Hut. That’s some doughy bullshit.

As long as their feet don’t smell and they aren’t kicking them up on tables and my desk I don’t care. As for sanitary reasons I don’t see an issue. Your shoes step on the bathroom floor and then go back to your office too. Her bare feet are carrying no more or less germs than your shoes. Safety is another thing. But

Eh I dated a 19 year old when I was 14. I told him I was 16. He broke it off when he found out my age. I think there are circumstances that should be taken into consideration. Everything from public urination (esp if near a park or school) to minors taking nude selfies to minors having sex with minors can land you one

Some people like to watch.

Yeah I mean anti-abortionists don’t go around holding pictures of aborted babies and racists don’t paint their faces black.

It is the best dressing. I generally think of stuffing as the chestnut/apples/sausage type and dressing is the cornbread/celery/poultry. But that’s just me I think.

I feel like some others about Thanksgiving. We keep it classic and traditional and the craziest thing that happens is sometimes I’ll bake a cheesecake in addition to the pumpkin and pecan pies. But Christmas is a whole other thing. By then we’d just finished the T-day leftovers only a couple of weeks ago and we are

I also prefer white rice because it is delicious. As you’ve explained, nutritionally it all comes down to preference. But I’m also a Type 1 diabetic. So I take Optifiber (wheat dextrin) to help with absorption rates in “bad carbs”. TMI/Pro: I’m like, super regular.

I used to wait for the “trick-or-treat” until I had a parent motion to a note a kid was holding that said basically he couldn’t speak and was almost apologetic. After that I didn’t want to have to force a kid or their parent into explaining their disability to me for a piece of candy.

This advice is real bad.

I cannot stand the tomato on top of the cheese configuration. They turn the cheese soggy and this I will not endure. To the point that I order burgers without tomatoes despite loving them.

Pink really brings out the eyes

Please don’t be that guy. I’m as ethnically ambiguous as they come and I’ve gotten asked this since I was a kid. It was old by the time I was 12. I’ve randomly over the years, on a bad day, responded with “I’m not your cultural experience of the day”, “Fish are exotic, I’m a person”, “Rugs are Oriental, I’m a person”

This reminds of the racial version of self those self-congratulatory “Having a daughter made me realize women are people” articles recently “woke” dads write.

We have a small office that is detached from the house. It’s got floor to ceiling windows and I’m afraid of the dark so we don’t use it very often.. it’s basically where my dude practices drums and our tween/teen nieces crash when they visit. I would totally sign up for Key if it only gave them access to that

Idk I’ve got this poster that arrived with a crease and I’ve been using an iron and steam to smooth it out but it’s still visible. I could use more steam but I’m worried about ruining the ink.

Three paragraphs about you. K.