I want this.
I want this.
And AT&T could give me unlimited data with a few keystrokes. Comcast could give me gigabit speeds - something my router is fully capable of handling. My DVR could access every channel from DirecTV if only they’d give them to me.
Yeah I’d assume the glass would be rated for impact resistance. For hurricanes as much as someone hitting the gas and trying to go all Ferris Bueller.
Do you not want people to read the comments or something because every time I scroll to the comments on just this post, the page jumps down to a sponsored post instead. I had disabled all my adblockers for every Gizmodo Media site but I had to turn them on to write this.
Jen, typing “Google” into Google can break the internet.
My brother is an RN and my sister-in-law is an NP. Everyone knows and loves a nurse. Their union is pretty great. You really should not fuck with a nurse.
I left my government job when it was apparent that it would be “dismantled” by the new administration. So I don’t really *need* this generic username anymore. But I do hope to return to some kind of public service eventually.
My host family resides in Refugio, Texas. The high school was just renovated and the kids were to start high school on Monday with shiny new facilities. Now it’ll be 4-6 weeks before school can begin. That little town got some of the worst immediate damage from the hurricane.
Ok it took me entirely too long to realize you have to go from right to left.
I’m down here and surrounded by people who have maybe just lost some creature comforts and a few shifts at work, to people who have lost everything. I ask a lot of questions and so far no one has seemed bothered by it. If anything people seem to want to talk about it, get it out. I keep having to stop myself because…
I’m down here for work. I’ve been using my phone’s data as a wifi hotspot so people around me can check on relatives and stuff. We watched this news clip on someone’s tablet. And it being Texas I didn’t want to say what I was thinking - just didn’t feel like the best time. But a big guy behind me chirped up, “He wears…
I’m good now! Lost power for 36 hours, water for 48, and internet/cable came back on today. I had plenty of water and canned food that I grabbed the day before because I was uncertain if my company would get me (they didn’t, obv). The city I’m in didn’t get a lot of building damage. There are apparently areas that are…
Thanks for this. I’m from the NW and work has me in south Texas for a few weeks. I’m in a little city called Victoria that is only of note for having produced Stone Cold Steve Austin and a hospital that makes really bad and I mean really bad decisions. Here alone with my two little dogs and the stores shelves are…
Shade is subtle. This was not subtle. Have we learned nothing?
The defendant’s attorney made that statement but it’s still a nice burn.
Oh god when your white friends open the kimchi fridge in the garage thinking it has soda. I didn’t want to go to school the next day.
I dated a guy who did this. He was way more hung up on his hairline than I ever was. Physically I was extremely attracted to him but his lack of self confidence about his hair was a real issue. It wasn’t THE undoing but it definitely didn’t help.
I’m just here to apologize on behalf of my people. S. Koreans are very hung up on skin color. Skin bleaching is widespread. My sister, who is a shade darker than myself, has been told by ajummas that she needs to whiten if she wants to get married.
We call him Uncle Ruckus.
I got B.D. Wong once. I peaked.