
Because my house came with a new but cheap as hell dishwasher that only has the spinner on the bottom and if anything bigger than a grain of rice is left behind it clogs the damn thing up. So I rinse off chunky stuff before it goes in the dishwasher. I don’t scrub. I hate scrubbing.

I’d like to do this but my grocery store re-arranges everything constantly. It’s like they do it specifically to stop you from doing this.

I’m an adult and I love that sweet corn and rice baby food. It’s probably the least healthy baby food being a jar of beige carbs. I was trying to feed my nephew and did the “look I’ll eat it too! yum yum!” shtick which he did not fall for. So I ate his whole jar. He’s fine. I’m fine. It’s .58 cents!

This is good advice. Everyone I know on keto is so miserable. My co-workers watch me eat and make uncomfortable noises and tell tell me “I hate you” during lunch. I eat whatever I want... I just don’t eat a lot of it.

I think on some level most of us know he isn’t going to bed stroking a swazi. More likely it’s a picture of himself with the turkey neck Photoshopped out. Does it matter? I don’t think anyone getting their ass kicked by a bully is concerned with if this is what the bully REALLY wanted to do or was he just doing it to

“Principles only mean something when you stick to them when its inconvenient.” From The Contender. Joan Allen is the best.

It’s just a numbers chance. Out of your elder male relatives you’re likely to have more uncles than dads and grandfathers. Now as to why it’s usually an older male... I’m sure there’s a lot of research on that. I can say anecdotally that many of the women I know from that generation tend to not be as interested in

I’ve lost jewelry, phone accessories, receipts/business cards and assorted pieces of paper, gum, cough drops, headphones, keys and more to the abyss. RIP Super Mario earrings.

I found it funny because the ferry had big NO SMOKING signs all over. Meanwhile there’s this giant smoking pit...

When visiting friends in Texas we were really shocked that they were allowed to drive over an hour on the interstate then get on a ferry to Mustang Island all with a giant smoking charcoal BBQ pit hitched to the back of their truck. Like there were briskets and sausage in there the whole time. Pacific Northwestern

Yeah I thought this was gonna be a bunch of non-alcoholic cocktails that could be made by any decent bartender :(

And they respond with, “You know what I want.”

I cover the router with a sheet of sketch paper and an empty picture frame. I figure this is a compromise. It’s still visible from some angles and I don’t think a sheet of paper is messing with the signal much.

Levar Burton is a goddamn national treasure. He is the last remaining positive male television personality from my childhood. Reading Rainbow is as much his as it is PBS’s. And PBS is funded by donations and tax dollars so their part is still up for debate.

I’ve watched too much Grey’s Anatomy because my first thought was, “What they moved her immediately before EMS arrived? They coulda paralyzed her!”

Like a dynasty. Michelle then Malia and Sasha.

We actually found some story on a mommy blog about how they paid off their mortgage in a few years. The basic idea was that they lived off of only income and used 100% of the other to pay off their mortgage. They did some other things I don’t quite remember but the basic idea seemed interesting. We use YNAB and we

I’ve been vegan for over half my life now and I visit a butcher to supplement my dogs’ diet with raw meat. I don’t like it. Touching and smelling raw meat is up there with heights and clowns on my list of nuh uhs. But I love my dogs and I’m not going to sacrifice their health for a lifestyle choice. So feed your damn

Yeah I’m almost 4'11 and I do this too. I guess I’ll try to stop...