Yes bald Daddies
Yes bald Daddies
I’m going to live forever.
If your house smells, you smell. I have dogs. Dogs get stinky. One of them has the most sensitive skin ever so regular baths cause him more harm than good. We’ve tried every diet (raw has helped), the oatmeal and the salmon oil and basically it comes down to just regular brushing and a spritz of the only doggie…
Also the freezer is your friend.
I have a former associate who married a Turkish woman after meeting with her for one week in Mersin. They didn’t seem to actually like each other and I know for a fact he cheated on her, but she worked hard to keep up the social media appearance of happiness. The only time I ever saw her show him any affection was…
“Fine egg noodles” pffft. Use fideo. I grew up on this stuff and it’s like 25 cents a box.
My favorite local bakery recently hired a guy with severe psoriasis for their kitchen. I know this makes me an asshole but I haven’t been able to eat there since. In my defense I witnessed him shove a flaky ungloved hand into a bucket of walnuts. Also he’s apparently the nephew of the owners so I’m assuming this is…
I’ve found cute sandals. They lasted me through the summer and that’s as much as I could ask out of a $9 pair of shoes. And a pair of ballet flats that I’ve had for a couple of years now. It should be noted that I have way too many shoes so any one pair is usually not getting worn very often.
Yessss. I like to do the upside down in the skillet re-heat though. Either way I’m not wasting pizza.
This casting was the final stone that helped my Korean mother squash a long ingrained dislike for everything Japanese. She often would be upset with herself for not being able to overcome her knee jerk emotional reactions. This is a woman who wears a “You Can Pee Next To Me” shirt and bakes things in the oven at…
I just get them for $7 each on Zenni. I keep a pair in the car, in the office and in my bag. Plus an extra pair of rx sunglasses also in the car.
This is probably pretty shady but well these are crazy times. Fish antibiotics. They’re the same thing as the human prescribed meds. Only you don’t need a prescription and they’re pretty cheap on Amazon and eBay.
Oh sweetheart.
A quote from the biker who got hit
The first thing I recall really recognizing her in was Wit. I watched it alone at like 2am on HBO. I was probably in high school and I had daydreams of being an actor. But I saw her and realized I could never be that and if I could never be at that level then what was the point.
You’re not weird. I didn’t want a registry or gifts or cash or anything other than people to just show up and have fun. The ceremony was for us and the reception was the thank you party for the guests for wearing uncomfortable shoes to watch our ceremony.
Fox would be an upgrade. Breitbart is their new standard.
I think we’d become numb to it just like we do everything else we get overexposed to.