
Maybe keep it on your desk or bedside - where ever you’ll see it and have access to it a lot and where watering/spritzing it won’t be a chore to remember or do. I keep a water bottle next to the plant I keep on my desk so it’s just an automatic habit of mine now.

Worst are the nachos served in a non-mini helmet. I might still marry him.

I was pondering if this was possible because my wifi sucks sometimes. But looking at what it would cost to get all of that equipment, I could just buy a new router. So I guess I’ll do that.

It’s such a wide reaching group of people from distant relatives to co-workers and friends of varying degrees. There is very little that I do/enjoy/talk about in my life that I want more one of these groups of people knowing about at any given time. It’s basically just food and dog/cat pics now. Everyone likes food

Because of the weird font on the byline, I didn’t realize your name was Giri and not Girl (I briefly contemplated after a squint that maybe it was Glrl but that’s just silly) until someone posted a screen shot of your veggie sandwich chat. Sorry.

Yeah same. I remember bits and pieces, but mostly just the Bronco and the glove because of the tv play they got. I do recall being in class in middle school and someone coming into the class telling the teacher that the verdict was being read. She turned on the wall mounted tv and we stopped what we were doing to

So much cringe just reading the words “sando”, “’cado”, and “dank” over and over it was like going through my 13 year old cousins’ Instagrams.

When I asked my GP if I should see a chiropractor he wrote down two “prescriptions”: A referral for a physical therapist and the number of a spa.

Always found Dean 10x more attractive than Sam. Also, when he cries I want to cry.

It’s delicious and nutritious so why not?

Yeah I mean, someone said he tried this game because it was recommended to him by a viewer. So the admin is the viewer who tipped him off and set himself up to be in game during the stream. At least that makes the most sense given what we know. And before anyone asks if some former admin of an abandoned MMO would take

Those sheer exposed boning dresses are so awful.

Wait so, have you never seen a Hispanic newborn? Because like everyone single one of my cousins was born with a full head of hair.

There are literally dozens of us. DOZENS.

Came here to say that I love and need that suit.

When I’ve tried this the pith made everything way too bitter. Same for when I tried to bake the Contessa’s lemon chicken. Bitter city.

As a future Canadian, I feel like I’m going to have to teach my new countrymen to take the punches with a sense of humor. Having been an American who had to travel a lot I’ve gotten pretty good.

For a minute I thought I was looking at the first Becky from Rosanne.

A butter dish on the table/counter. Keep about 1/4 to a 1/2 of a stick in it at a time. The rest in an airtight container in the fridge. I’m pretty finicky about food left out so small amounts that will be used in a few days keep me feeling ok about it.

Hm the website stated something that sounds different: