Banana Peehole

That’s a wonderful thing to hear. My goodness, Ahildy... that could have been a nightmare of epic proportions. I’m glad you had that happen in such a way. How great it must be to travel to such places. I can’t even IMAGINE being able to visit S. Korea. The People, The Food, The Art, The Architecture.  I could

Ahhhhhh..... Yup. Thought so.

All the hidden racism, homophobia, bigotry that can be so EASILY used by such things. All the ‘invisible’ folks who are so unAmerican they hate their fellow neighbors because of simple genetics like skin color, etc.. can just use these horrible setups to get rid of ‘UnWanTeD’ neighbors. Making folks move, too. To have

LoL.  Awesome! Keep going! F*! Love. This, mate! 

I just don't understand your point. 🤔


How much do you think an easily available   .NFT is?    LoL 

How much pollution compared to you playing your high powered console / PC as for an entertainment? And the troves of those that have been doing it for decades? 


True. He got ripped the F off early on in his career... So go figure. 

LoL. Yet you're literally sitting at, or have in your hands, a wealth of information at your fingertips. But instead of learning something new, you'd rather make a judgment call based on absolute HOT GARBAGE 

William.. Just shut up. 

I seriously cannot believe we need to be telling people this."

Jesus. You’re really fucking smart. That’s a brilliant idea. 

This is *not* 6 pans. 

This is *not* 6 pans. 

Wtf??? LoL

LoL what a wonderful reply. HUGE smile. 😊

  1. it’s just acting.

Glam Drama queen. 

Some people just like to think the world owes them something special. And oh shit, if they pay money, watch the fuck out! Gawd. Comments sections. Why did I look again?