
Will it also be celebrating American Exceptionalism and American Hegemony, just as the film did?

“Best Australian Actor Actual Australians Had No Fucking Idea Existed Until Now

“Best Picture That Is Held Up As A Beacon Of Progress And Social Enlightenment, But Was Made By Heartless American Corporations”

“Best Picture You All Jerk Off Over How Great It Is, How It’s The Best Piece Of Cinema Man Has Ever Wrought, Yet You Never Actually Watched, You Fucking Poseur”.


“What are we, some kinda Suicide Squad?”

“Best Actress to go Full Bush”

On the one hand, real estate’s cheap. On the other hand, life insurance rates are through the fucking roof.

Not just Cabot Cove. We could, perhaps, write Cabot Cove off as somewhere with an alarmingly hire murder rate. Though I dispute that Cabot has the world’s highest murder rate - I believe that honour goes to Britain’s village of Midsomer.

Oh, come: Angela Lansbury played a villain for the entirety of Murder, She Wrote.

Try some Aussie Bundaberg Rum.

What about a show based around a girl who grew with the stars? You know, in the Hollywood hills and the boulevards.

Now playing

Can’t we have a show based on one of the many, many offensive parodies of it that cropped up?

Late, Wa-D.D. Driver was fired from his job as an English teacher at a Christian school.

Was your family named by Bugs Bunny? If so, what an honour!

Did you Americans try this before...? “No, no, dogfighting is dead, it’s all long-range AAMs nowadays- what? We’re not to engage in Vietnam without visual confirmation of our target?”

Jesus’re giving me flashbacks to working retail.

Now playing

Harry Enfield’s 1940s Mr. Cholmondley-Warner sketches set the standard for period-cinema pisstaking for me:

I bet I know exactly how that panned out.

He is an amazing voice actor, and actor full stop. Jim’s nothing like Doc, yet he creates the character so fully.

Aren’t you dead?