
Ever dealt with an insufferable IT guy at work? You know, the absolute dire nerd who thinks the business he works for exists purely to pay him to dick around with his hobby? The guy who won’t let you install the Photoshop you need for your job because he, himself, prefers gimp? The guy who acts as if doing the very

That’s how you do exposition and world-building.

Why do I get the feeling the author’s one of nutters on etsy who frame used tampons and sell them as objets d’art?

What, you mean your baby hatch has never told you “It’s never lupus”?

Can you run out of Bort licence plates in this game? Askin’ the important questions here.

Cool! I was looking for a new reason to defenestrate my PC in a fit of apoplectic rage!

Gotta maintain the “big wang = bumbling idiot” trope.

It was fuggin’ weird, man.

That’s what sinking ships do.

Red heir.

These shirts are the Official Uniform Of Slipping Something Into Your Drink.

4K improves gameplay how?

And yet the autocratic ruler is female - and anyway, didn’t you guys fight a war about this?

Yeah. I have no idea why we have a pillow and doona manufacturer named after a death pact.

I didn’t Peg any of you guys as guys who’d make puns about this.

No Country For Old Men.

“I shall count to three; there shan’t be a four.”

EoT is the first true video game movie.

In short: Discovery wants to ride Star Trek’s coattails, but doesn’t want you call out how they’re ripping the fabric and ruining the coat.