
You only feel that way because you’re a cheater. Those of us who do NOT cheat strongly disagree with you. Imagine, if you can, spending your money on a game that is full of people who need significantly less skill than you do in order to win. Is that fair?

Thank you for clarifying this. It shouldn’t take a hipster to recognize hipster apparel.

If you buy a Mitsubishi or Kia, you get what you deserve.

Only if you’re murdering meth-heads.

You forgot some:

Because killing rapists isn’t necessarily murder. If it was, the doctors who administer lethal injections into convicted rapists would themselves be murderers. And I’m sure some people here will probably say that rapists don’t deserve to die, but I think they do, so whatever.

We’re all criminals. You drive above the posted speed limit, right? Do you deserve to own your car? After all, YOU’RE a responsible driver until you run into someone and kill them.

Nah, they just run over people in baaaad cars when they can’t get their hands on baaaad guns.

Like....hiding the kitchen knives? Where are you going with this?

Nexus, these people are not even close to being able to comprehend what you’re trying to explain. After all, this is Jezebel....

Fuck you, racist.

Not sure why he was screaming and yelling at you about the fact that he wasn’t a criminal before he shot himself in the hand, but he sounds like a fun drinking buddy!

Do you know what the “R” in NRA stands for?

Agreed. Yet another Gawker writer that is clueless about the subject matter they write about. So, how exactly does Detroit suffer from human rights violations? Are we to assume you’re referring to cops refusing basic civil liberties to civilians? Or were you talking about the drug epidemic breeding rampant violence

Oh, and for the record, I stand by my statement. Any church that is beating or molesting kids is NOT a Christian church. I don’t care what the sign above the door says. Those are not Christian values, so they’re not Christian.

I assume that you’re cowering in fear under your desk right now, afraid to go out and buy groceries. But I assure you that you would be safer in the US than in most other countries. I would also recommend staying out of “urban” areas, but that may sound racist and that’s not my intention. But yeah, if you want to

I have some shocking news for you: any church that beats and kills children is NOT a Christian church. Sometimes you have to be smart enough to read past the words written on the wall. And if you truly believe that the Christian church is responsible for police reactions to black kids (whatever that means), then

I would never do this. But since the vehicles technically can’t burrow down to a level that would harm him, is he really that stupid?

I think Trainor’s voice sounds terrible. Like a grading, whiny, rich white ghetto princess with an annoying tone. My girlfriend put on one of her songs the other day and I made her turn it off almost immediately. She put on another one of her tunes and it sounded just as bad. So she put on Adele and everyone was happy.

Whatever. If someone is willing to burn another human being for eloping then they are either evil or stupid. And to compare that to a non-lethal punishment (like imprisonment) for theft is moronic. Are you even aware of what they do to thieves in Pakistan?? Bye bye hand.