
The fact that British society is changing may have something to do with the recently-changing demographics.

Are you serious? The shitty cultural standards in the US are nothing like what is highlighted in this article. When was the last time a Christian church promoted burning your kids alive if they elope? The standard in Christian societies basically state don’t treat others like shit, don’t steal, don’t bang other

It has never been taken as fact of her ethnicity, but you have to understand that these idiots crying about “white-washing” are guild-ridden white people who feel so terrible about being pieces of shit that the feel they must attack anything that even remotely promotes white people in any way.

Go kill yourself, racist. I bet you also whined like a bitch when they cast Samuel L. Jackson as Sgt. Fury.

Correct. I forgot about that dongle because of its ridiculous price. heh

Yeah, this dude was an asshole....but it’s still great seeing a left land hogging fuck get thrown around a little.

It’s no more slimy than him ruining the fun of almost every other player on every opposing team in every match he’s played.


Exactly. They sincerely think that someone from Blizzard will happen upon their promises about having never, ever cheated and report back to HQ saying “Hey guys, there’s a kid on here who swears he never cheated, so let’s reverse that ban on him mkay?”

Anyone who bashes a case manufacturer for adding a drive bay that gives its users another option needs to kill themselves. My new vehicle doesn’t come with a CD drive, but why not just put one in anyway and allow me the option to ignore it if I wish? I guess it’s because of the same stupid morons who feel entitled to

Why not include all of those buttons PLUS two analog sticks? There is room if you rearrange the buttons and make those Select & Start buttons smaller. That would make everyone happy, even if they have to charge an extra $10 for it. I won’t buy a Steam controller because I want two analog sticks for some games that

So is the controller for the Xbone, and it’s better than the 360 controller. Too bad it’s not wireless yet.

They’re all fucked up individuals if it was consentual. He should be arrested for having a video of a minor having sex on his phone, but the girl and all the other boys need to be punished too. So you can’t arrest all of the kids, but there’s always public shaming. So, who were the others? If you’re going to plaster