kinja slow burn

At least Robyn has a knack for finding rare, magical amulets in the most unlikely of places. It seems Blake is having trouble finding anything of substance.

Doesn't she know how children in hoodies end up?! Or is this part of her plan?

Feminism doesn't decry beauty. It rejects the notion of one universal standard of beauty. But thanks for playing. Try harder next time.

Ugh. It is possible to admire beauty while simultaneously acknowledging that beauty is not the be-all-end-all of a life's accomplishments.

Let me fix that for you: "White on black crime has been virtually non-existent for about 40 years. However, institutionalized white on black violence has become the norm." See, it isn't a "crime" unless you are prosecuted and convicted. See also, Zimmerman, George. Also, vast portions of police "misconduct."

Me and you, both.

Unfortunately, Wikipedia is correct. Jezebel actually covered some of his racist, slut shaming a few years ago.… He's an opportunist using Jada's horrific tragedy to further his role as a "community leader."

As soon as I realized Quanell X was involved, I felt a knot in my stomach. We have his counterpart, Christopher 2X, in our city. The largest problem I see with these guys, aside from their smarmy opportunism, is that the public's general dislike and disregard towards them delegitimizes any cause they attach

But! Maybe you have low cholesterol? There are so many factors to what mosquitoes find attractive, I don't think anyone actually knows their ass from a hole in the ground. I just keep hoping for total eradication of the species.

I'm in the same mosquito boat. Eucalyptus and rosemary work to varying degrees for me. Unfortunately, DEET always works. I'm also highly reactive to the bites. Whatever is in the Burt's Bees acne roller thing shrinks my bites down almost immediately.

I lost my sweet Thomas last summer with no resolution. To think that a maniac like Birdman could have done something to him ... never mind. I choose to think he was illegally adopted by a loving home.

Or "diarrhea." An english prof. once told me that during a survey of non-english speakers, the two words most commonly deemed beautiful by their sound alone, since these participants had no idea of the meanings, were syphilis and diarrhea.