Kinjas in the Outfield

omg you’re going to hell

One of the reasons I have admired your writing for several years now is because you have a way of tackling “heavy” topics in a way that is not clumsy but is also not pulled down by navelgazing. There are so many folks who go “viral” from saying dumb offensive shit without any nuance or critical understanding or

Education is for people who want to learn. She wants to go viral.

What yall are not about to do is play with DJ muthafuckin Screw. At a certain point it stops being “I didn’t know” and crosses firmly over into “I don’t care to know” which is the play cousin of white entitlement. Your motor skills are gonna be slow and your eardrums will have a reverb when I beat your ass for this

It’s hard to take someone talking about sexism seriously when they’re in the party where it’s part of the platform.

The most succinct way I have ever heard it put.

What an odd take. Children don’t voluntarily make their parents’ personal lives their business. They grow up experiencing it.

I would advise the letter writer to interrogate the idea that their mother is “hard to love” when they didn’t even know one of their parents was having an affair. They clearly don’t know everything that was going on and seems like they have a favorite parent so I am highly skeptical of that determination. If their dad

To answer the question in the headline, no there isn’t. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who have their own version of the truth when it comes to race/ethnicity derived from their own experiences with it. It is going to be absolutely daunting listening to shitty hot takes for at least the next 3 months, many

Police union is only letting him go down because:

* Spanish last name so nobody is coming to his rescue

* He turned his body cam off to do bad shit so if they protect him on this they might be pressed to always keep them on

* If they defend the sexual assault of a dead woman, the live ones that this has 100% happened to a

How are you a bigger ghoul than Vince McMahon? Jerry Jones is something else.

Bunim/Murray being problematic? You don’t say.

Off-topic but I hate luxury apartments. Los Angeles is full of them now because for the longest time the NIMBY laws made any improvements/remodels a hassle. It’s a mixture of either pre-World War living spaces with matching appliances/carpet, lofts that are literally just old factory space for the most part, or

Let’s talk about how Kamala fired people in her campaign for sexual misconduct

LOL honestly. If Democrats can lose control of Congress while Obama is in office and not read the room in 2016, they are definitely not running a supernatural cabal in secret.

/\ This. No logical person is joining a cult that doesn’t have a money/influence agenda like say Scientology. Leah Remini has confirmed over and over again that it’s just powerful people wanting religious secrecy to shield their closed door dealings. There are no “true believers” there.

QAnon’s appeal is that it’s

Georgia saw Florida and Arizona getting all the headlines and decided it needed to make up for lost time. They blew their KKK lead and now are ready to go full tilt back in the wrong direction.

LOL exactly. We need John Kerry level engagement right now because Trump’s idiocy plus Kamala’s speeches should do enough to give Dems the win.

It’s not well written but besides Kim, Atlanta had been and for a long time was the black Real Housewives. DC was different in that you had a black castmate amongst the white women.

You can’t get sex reassignment surgery as a child. The most they’ll do is give you puberty blockers.