I’m absolutely sure that this is because of the recent BLM protests. Her lawyer is basically going to try to argue, “see the n*****s are unreasonable!”
I’m absolutely sure that this is because of the recent BLM protests. Her lawyer is basically going to try to argue, “see the n*****s are unreasonable!”
I think the specific ethnicity is something I would question first. I have hated when people have a “preference” because then it gets into stereotypes. I think that’s part of what c83nonstop means too. They might not even speak Spanish or be from Spain but “Spanish girls” conjures up a very specific image which is low…
You can’t bring up race and then think it’s probably another issue. It’s the same song since the 20's suffragette movement. “Rights for us so long as there’s no rights for them.” That so many thought even Hillary Clinton was too left for them should give you an indicator of how a dislike of sexism doesn’t negate racism…
I don’t get the point of these. No one but Trump supporters think these are real. The Australian BLM scam was much “better” because conservative/paranoid elements of the community and outsiders were willing to donate to a white-friendly/non-queer charity rather than the real one because it confirmed their biases.
Ah yes, checking privilege.
The people who are credited with bringing Latinx into the mainstream:
Beatriz Llenin Figueroa - Adjunct professor in Puerto Rico
Yuderkys Espinosa Minoso - Definitely a rich white gay who speaks English and definitely not a black woman from Santo Domingo who does interviews in Spanish talking…
This debate? Fine it’s only the evil watered down US Latins that don’t know real Spanish and only use their “uppity” language. You happy?
LOL and you sound like a conservative Latin who thinks holding onto the old ways makes you a true Latin when a lot of it is grounded in the exact same thing you claim to hate. A look at your post history seems to confirm that.
FYI, Latin@ had the same issues of not being “real” Spanish which is why it didn’t catch on…
The inconsistency is that he’s not white in a militarized form of white supremacy. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. He was set up to take the fall because the people he’s protecting weren’t going to take one themselves.
My point isn’t to allow it going forward because it’s happened in the past. My point is that you can’t hold white supremacy to be sacred and evil at the same time. You can’t say Spanish is being colonized by white people when the Spanish were literal white colonizers. The reason the descendants of the imperialism are…
My point isn’t to allow it going forward because it’s happened in the past. My point is that you can’t hold white supremacy to be sacred and evil at the same time. You can’t say Spanish is being colonized by white people when the Spanish were literal white colonizers. The reason the descendants of the imperialism are…
I have always found the criticism of it being “linguistic imperialism” to be odd when Spanish is from Spain as in the country in Europe that killed or raped the indigenous people in the Americas. People can not like it because the x in Spanish has a different sound and the usage is more prevalent in English. That’s…
I think people don’t want to come to terms with it being child abuse because then it’s trauma and shame not romanticized “cultura” that only insiders know about.
My mom hit me because she was frustrated. There was no lesson to be learned other than that I was bothering her. She worked a physically demanding job for…
A quick Google search will show you Latin people came up with it and are the ones primarily using it so...
I gotta hand it to Lena. She has her finger on the culture of 10 years ago and the people who are just discovering it for the first time are eating it up.
Hopefully Trump has made a lot of white women realize they can’t have their feminist utopia by sharing some of the same values as the men who want to set them back 100 years.
Thank you. Zoe Saldana wanted her coin and an Oscar but the script was trash, the prosthetic nose and shoe polish makeup was next level trash, and her inability to say less during promotion made it career ending trash.
I get that fried chicken is an African-American stereotype that probably doesn’t register in T&T but KFC is an American company. Somebody at their global headquarters should have cleared it first. That’s specifically why regionalization is either lucrative for companies or they avoid it altogether.
Lena does the most woke talking for someone with so many fuck-ups. I’m starting to think that’s how she got her seat at the table.
Um no. It’s been well documented that women have a tougher time getting approval in business from men who subconsciously or even outwardly believe women are inferior. This is literally the basis of the wage gap and hiring inequality.