Kinjas in the Outfield

What is that statement? She still seems just as “blank canvas” as before.

The show tanked because they couldn’t decide what it wanted to be and none of the personalities were dynamic enough to decide it for them. Unfortunately, RHOA franchises have always been very segregated so they couldn’t exactly do an all-white DC

Marge Simpson: Just because it’s right doesn’t mean you should say it

It’s so tragic that a person died from ignorance but I laughed too hard.

They used to use it at raves for this very purpose. I can’t imagine wanting it for a medical procedure.

This is also why they prosecuted MJ’s former doctor even though it was by Jackson’s request. Cops can barely do de-escalation and now they’re administering meds? Chile....

RuPaul has clearly made this franchise for mass market appeal. Even 1000 purchases of a song that I have no doubt was built into the season budget is a win.

It’s because it’s not just a passion project that will be fun to see completed. It’s a dick of a director and his incel fanbase acting like they are on a holy crusade to “save” a superhero movie from a franchise that has had so many duds.

I love this reply because it’s so damn accurate. Zack Snyder films have a way of absolutely sucking the energy out of you when the grim/dark is there for grim/dark’s sake. There always need to be moments of even false hope so the audience isn’t sitting there bored out of their mind watching fake people suffer. They

LOL this is pretty much it. He is like a wife taking our their frustrations on the mistress because they don’t want to deal with a divorce. Snyder’s problem is with WB but WB won’t let him make his version of the movie if he airs them out.

I really hate those kind of people. Punching down is fine until they could be the target.

I feel like this was written by someone who watches Total Divas and not pro wrestling. These two quit the company because they had gone as far as they could as tits & ass for WWE’s audience. They returned as the real life girlfriends of John Cena and Daniel Bryan so they were pushed to the moon.

The Bella Twins deserve

Reddit is where you go if you’re a straight white cis male with no social skills or if you have a niche interest and are good at ignoring bigotry ranging from the blatant to subtle.

According to reports, they still tear gassed her and injured her foot. The LA Times is just still a Los Angeles publication so they needed an interest piece to go with all the depressing important stuff like news.

The issue for me was that our government was operating outside the law and homegirl showing her pussy got a lot of the attention. Like okay? Protest how you want but girl did you need the clout or was the cause not a righteous one on its own? It’s like being the most dramatic fainter or loudest person speaking in

The only hope I have there is that young people don’t vote. I have seen even the wokest of woke give this man a pass just because he had some good albums. Like he’s not even trying to hide how shitty he is. Get over him.

This is why I scoff at people saying that if Trump tried a coup, the military would oust him. It’s definitely not that easy.

I was a jerk as a kid and didn’t believe mom bladder was a thing. She got up to go pee and I impeded her progress by tickling her. You can guess what happened next.

Right? Like this is damage control more than a change in beliefs. Yall can’t get ad dollars and sponsorships if you’re out here with a name like that.

I can’t even wrap my head around how you live with yourself after that case. Hollywood has such an obsession with cops because sociopathic ideals make them sympatico.

Nick Cannon’s limit for committing to the movement wasn’t his life or his kids. It was a gig hosting “Masked Singer” on FOX. Once a cornball, always a fucking cornball.

Twitter dug into the ass of Angela Davis for saying Joe Biden was the path of least resistance to a better life for black people.

Nick Cannon drops the revolutionary act as soon as his bag gets stopped and it’s called being smart.

How anyone can go through life thinking black women aren’t shit on for sport is beyond me.