Kinjas in the Outfield

This goes back to straight black men thinking they are the movement and everyone else is expected to be their support. He’s just a more hippy Nipsey Hussle but it’s the same BS.

I knew Panama would reference the Bobby Brown jaw lmao. He was definitely snorting from the way he kept smacking his lips.

Private insurance wouldn’t risk a discrimination lawsuit because they would stand to lose more money from lawsuits and contracts being dropped by companies than they would through cost savings. The feds on the other hand would absolutely play hardball during a Republican administration. Unemployment has been a

It matters who reports it because it means more accurate information. We already have politicians who think solar power drains the sun so we don’t need them thinking they can outlaw being trans* or getting pregnant since a federal agency said they wouldn’t pay for it. That would turn into an eventual lawsuit which

Essentially. If you don’t have to depend on government money for your care, this won’t affect you. However, that is a terrible position to take but it’s not like people aren’t willing to die on that hill over and over and over. “Not my problem” might as well be our country’s motto.

What did happen is that the Department of Health and Human Services announced that it had finalized a rule regarding the implementation of the Affordable Care Act’s prohibition against discrimination on the basis of sex, stating that this statutory provision would no longer cover trans people or people who are

It’s obvious Law & Order is copaganda but it’s specifically because it’s not like real cops that I love the show. If real life had Olivia Bensons, you wouldn’t be hearing calls to abolish the entire thing.

“Mental health” is what every vapid cis male who thinks he’s brilliant and has a lot of money has been “championing” for years now. You will never see the fruits of their effort.

There won’t be until people understand that much like racism, queer bigotry isn’t as basic as using “f****t” or “t****y” nor is it only about refusing service to people explicitly on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

There won’t be until people understand that one marginalized identity doesn’t

Oooo baby. This is not it. This is not it at all.

For many people, denial is survival. If all things were equal, how many people would be without their accolades, wealth, job title, conveniences, etc?

Police are also definitely enforcers of the status quo. As such, white folks have really wanted to keep them around. Seeing all of this very publicly and knowing on some

I still think it’s very funny that she called Moby “the man.” Like girl. Self awareness. Please.

LOL try again.

I really hope that with all the bad things to come out of this pandemic that it has at least ended the design era of open offices. No one who actually stays in those kind of offices likes them. They’re an excuse to go cheap on labor and lazily micro-manage.

Now you already know that if it’s not a Maiysha or Damon article, they aren’t gonna bring up homophobia.

Just what we need in an important election year: sour grapes and revisionist history about Hillary Clinton. Girl let it go.

It would but would also require a.) investing into your company’s technical aspects and b.) divulging that most clothing is not made for the average American.

I saw a woman literally picking up every cut of beef, looking it over, and putting it back down. I wanted to scream. She looked so offended when I grabbed one and walked away. Yeah because I’m the asshole in this situation.

I once visited Lexington, which is one of their busiest cities, and walked around downtown on a Saturday night with barely any sidewalk traffic. A horse ranch is literally across from their airport. The airport is the size of a shopping mall in a major metro area. It’s absolutely true that Kentucky is not seeing mass

Tara Reid is the messy celebrity who got a botched tummy tuck.

Tara Reade is the woman accusing Joe Biden.