Kinjas in the Outfield

Don Lemon needs to chill. During the Obama years he was far too eager to placate and ingratiate himself to white people.

Kirsten Gillibrand made Franken resign over a picture and now she is supporting Biden. Seems she realized the country wasn’t ready for her “paradigm shift” to stardom.

I believe he did something inappropriate with her. I also hate that Abrams is tap dancing for someone who told Anita Hill to go fuck herself. I just wish it had been brought up sooner but nobody expected him to be the nominee up until March. His literal draw is that he isn’t inspirational. He is “pragmatism” and not

1.) Denzel knows damn well he is not “ordinary people.” He knew what she was trying to ask and tried to sidestep it because he knew he couldn’t jeopardize the strides he was making.

2.) She feels “shaken” because he knew damn well she was trying to get him to impale himself on a “politically charged” comment that the

Girl the “Klobuchar would make a fine candidate” ranks were out in full force on Jezebel when it talked about how he would discuss his relationship with Wintour. But then again when doesn’t that website reduce black people’s prolific lives to their interactions with white people?

Hit-and-run deaths are so cowardly. To treat human life like a rear view mirror. How?

LMAOOOO. A comment talking about how America is anti-intellectual and doesn’t believe in science while talking out your ass about “poppers.” It’s a vasodilator which means it can cause an unexpected drop in blood pressure. In conjunction with alcohol, another vasodilator it is commonly used with, it can deprive your

“Drip Drop” was a fucking bop but that show suffered from writing stories around special guests. I tuned out when Andre was in love with Jennifer Hudson and it was immediately forgotten.

We all wanted Timbaland vs. Pharrell so I’m glad Swizz Beats made us forget.

I just wanna know what he hoped to accomplish. I can only imagine that interrogation.

You were going to stop the Jewish conspiracy by killing some old people, that if we’re keeping it a buck, were gonna be dead soon anyway? It was a NURSING HOME. You bled on the mf gas can you used for the crime and apparently haven’t

There’s Nation of Islam and then Ten Percent Nation. One is more Islamic religion and the other is generically pro black.

I don’t know how much you know about 10%’ers but I remember one time being like, “what if you’re one of the bullshitters meant to lead people astray?”

It was like when you used to shut an old tube TV off and saw the picture slowly go away. They were HURT.

I can’t help but think Yakub is based in anti-intellectualism. “He thinks he’s real smart with that disproportionately large head.”

Because the United States is so horny for consumerism that long ago they agreed the people of China have no value other than to produce goods. If money is what’s truly important, no matter how you make it, then why does copyright matter? It’s just another roadblock. Tons of stuff in Russia and Eastern Europe is

She isn’t a celebrity though. She’s not a product of consumerism to be bought and resold. She’s a victim of human trafficking. I would be beside myself if I went through all of that and someone was scummy enough to make a documentary about me without me.

He’s disappointingly one note. “DID YOU KNOW MY WIFE IS LIGHTSKINNED?????”

I started watching it since I had a trial of All Access for Picard” and this show turned me off by about Episode 4 of Season 1. The troll farm jingle was cute until it showed a black dude being conned into liking a Kanye West post and saying that’s how Trump keeps his approval rating above a certain amount. I’m sorry

When you look at the different ethnicities, it is fascinating who aspires to whiteness and who doesn’t. South Korea saw a major uptick in it being viewed as the pinnacle until KPop became global. Meanwhile North Korea reviles it. Singapore thinks white people are trashy while Thailand can’t bend over backwards enough.

Two wrongs don’t make it right but it is truly some shit that they still wanna be racist amidst a global pandemic that Americans, Brits, Aussies can’t help but paint the worst pictures of them. You got the most powerful leader in the world basically calling yall dirty and you wanna harass people on a continent that

There was no beef between Johnson and Abrams. Abrams went a different direction because he’s Abrams, LOL. This poster with an axe to grind clearly ignored the entire Star Trek reboot.

A section of the fanbase revolted against TLJ because it wasn’t another story about an insecure white dude or a white space cowboy both