
No. Because you drive a Prius.

So a group of people dominated an area for many years until outsiders moved in, took over everything, and routinely massacred the original inhabitants. Interesting.

these are 100% the worst people in the jalopnik community. nobody gains anything from disparaging something that’s actually, and not ostensibly or arguably, great. it’s fucking stupid. tesla rules sorry.

“Donovan was arrested for DUI at 2358 hours...”

I’m assuming you mean “Mic,” which is short for Microphone, unless you’re actually dropping a person named Mike?

I can rephrase it all then.
Winner: Xbox people who want Xbox stuff
Loser: PLaystation owners who want anything in 2015

To this point, the Golden State Warriors are EASILY the luckiest team I’ve ever witnessed. You go an entire season with ZERO notable injuries, then all of your hardest opponents (Memphis, Houston, Cleveland) all suffer significant injuries to starters. Hell, even Klay’s concussion happened just before an abnormally

Oh man. Strongly disagree with this one. I think it’s way more interesting and distinctive than the rather anonymous-looking 12C.

First time I get to use this in response.

Hey, if it means a little break from the smug flat brimmed chinstrapped hashtagging flamboyant, I’ll take it.

Someone is upset that their boy Lewis didn’t do well this weekend. You’re grasping at straws that aren’t even there. F1 has been on a downward spiral for ages and it cannot be blamed on any of the drivers.

Why would you visit an automotive news site if you don’t want news? It’s qualifying not rsce results.

I don't think you know how slander works.

Okay, even I’ve started to find this joke a little tiresome, but with that title...

I got news for you guys - the McLaren options list is just as insane as the Porsche one. Just click the little box labeled “MSO” and the sky is the limit. Also, mine is due in January :~)> Couldn’t last that long without a supercar.

So it garnered about as much interest as “500 Days of Kristin”?

Especially since most of the people complaining couldn't afford one anyway.

Lots of posters seem to be really pressed about this car. I don't get the whole Focus taillight thing, either... I mean the criticism made sense when the 4C came out with poorly-thermoformed-looking headlights, but basically every panel on this car is new and of high quality.