
You may say this is misplaced aggression, but you really can’t use the word “fuck” here? I mean, what the “heck”?

Yo is not exclusive to AAVE. It is generally associated with working class New York Italians as well. It is most generally part of “New York” vernacular.

Yup, I went temporarily blind with rage while reading it.

I really don’t have an issue telling people to be less vapid and cookie cutter. The world could do without more of that Kardashian bullshit.

Well, you may never have had a bad trip then. A friend of mine (who took a lot of LSD, it wasn’t his first time) had an experience where he believed no one around was real. He started saying things like “I could kill all of us because none of this is real.” Friends were sufficiently alarmed to take him to the

Wow. Just wow.

Really? My response is “Future is the definition of a fuckboy.”

The Chicago school writes the foreign policy anyway . America’s foreign policy is written beforehand, with facts and events to fill in mad libs style. Never forget Colin Powell embarrassing himself at the University with those satellite images of “mobile weapons labs.”

Uh, try Belfast, or Mexico City, or a number of cities around the world.

I’m more like this.

I knew the Mercator maps were incorrect, and racist, but I didn’t know that North/top and South/bottom was arbitrary. Thanks for the explanation.

Heaven forbid anyone try to solve a problem without the cops. Because they’re so responsive and understanding to women filing complaints about harassment and rape. Because they’re so chock full of justice when they’re beating up and shooting people of color or really whoever gets in their way.

I am not against hormonal birth control, and I said “I understand why some women take it.” preventing unwanted pregnancy, correction of hormonal imbalances, women with endometriosis, etc. are not taking birth control because of “convenience.”

Thanks for your comment. I understand why some women take hormonal birth control, but I would not risk the possible side effects and long term health complications just because of convenience. Seems ludicrous.

Kylie straight up resembles Michael Jackson.

I wonder why he was in a relationship with this woman at all, since they seem profoundly sexually incompatible. Why not just go on his merry rich, famous, relatively good looking way, fucking consenting women? Oh yeah, power.

Is it just me, or is the lip-syncing really off? I would have expected better production values for someone of Hailee’s stature.

I support Planned Parenthood 100%, get my PAPs done there, and have chased off a lunatic antichoice protester a time or two, but after so many of these “undercover” videos, I hope they have protocols in place on how to talk to random vendors they haven’t vetted at all to see if they’re legit, or what to do when

How many people do you think she’s killed as a marine? Gender politics, which are clearly great, don’t necessarily make her someone worth celebrating.