
If you feel like trying again, and of course that's up to you, try lying flat on your stomach and squeezing your butt and thigh muscles together really tight. Then try to kind of "pull" your pelvic muscles back toward your butt. I didn't have an orgasm until I was 32 and had given up trying. Then I was lying on my

I just started prepping for a cross-country move. We're not moving for about eight more months, but I am not falling victim to my previous habit of packing the day before I move and getting into a huge argument with my husband, so I've been doing a little bit every day. This method seems to make sense to me. I've

Castle of Illusion was 79 cents the other day (not sure if it's still that price). It's fun, but damn, I am having a hell of a time beating the giant Jack-in-a-box at the end of Toyland.

I feel the same way about gifts from my best friend. Yes, I'm grateful I have a best friend. And it's not about spending money. I'd be thrilled with one of those magnetic notepads from Dollar Tree (or about 100 other things from Dollar Tree; they have amazing stuff). But she gives me things that I would never in a

I'm extremely sensitive to scents, so it's a real thing...but who knows whether the people you know were truly bothered or just being annoying. If I am exposed to something I am sensitive to, the reaction ranges from mild wheezing to a pounding headache and vomiting. I was once forced to share a cubicle with a woman

I read the article earlier and left it up on my computer so I could come back and read the comments. In the meantime, I forgot that she mentioned lotion baskets as a gift, so I thought you were doing some weird "put the fucking lotion in the basket" Silence of the Lambs-type thing there. I was nervous for a second.

Instead of pointing out multiple posts on the same topic, why don't you use your time to brush up on spelling and capitalizing words properly?

My college roommate hated Katie Holmes just because of her "stupid crooked face." I heard about it every Wednesday night.

This mom is not doing her kid any favors. Kids need to learn that you don't always win, you don't always get what you want, and there will always be people more successful than you, no matter how well you do in life.

I'm not allergic to eggs, but every time I get a flu shot, I get a huge lump on my arm. It itches like crazy and lasts for about a week. Does that mean I am allergic to some other component of the vaccine? Should I skip it or take it anyway, even though the itch drives me crazy?

You have to be a very sales-oriented person to succeed at that job. I only lasted five months, and I had a headache and nausea most of the time because I got yelled at for not being aggressive enough.

At one point, I worked in admissions for a for-profit school (I was broke and needed a job). You wouldn't believe — or maybe you would — the shady tactics they use to recruit people. They prey on students with poor grades and low test scores. Admissions reps are expected to be very aggressive. For example, you are not

This "Frozen" hysteria is getting out of control in my neighborhood. Two people apparently bought ALL of the "Frozen" merchandise available locally when it came out. Now they are selling it via the local FB yard sale group at astronomical prices, and people are going crazy trying to beat each other to reserve the best

I don't think it was inspired by Ghost. Izzie had a brain tumor, so she started hallucinating that she was seeing dead Denny (and later having sex with him). But none of it was real.

DON'T look it up. I just did...I took one for the team, for sure.

You take that back! I've hated Carrie ever since she whined about the ring he got her. What a materialistic bitch.

I have a feeling she's talking about the people who constantly complain, not the ones who have an occasional gripe. I don't have kids, but I have a person in my life who is a whiner, and I've had to limit my time with her. She has reached the point where she cannot focus on anything other than what she is thinking or

Hiring help just makes sense if you could make more money in the time it takes to clean. If your cleaning person charges $20 an hour and you make $35 an hour, you might as well net $15 an hour instead of spending unpaid time cleaning and organizing.

I hit the jackpot because my husband's mom was (is) a TERRIBLE cook. I'm a good cook, but sometimes I'll try new recipes and I won't care for the way they turn out, but he never complains. He said as long as I'm not feeding him soggy tortellini or soup-like mashed potatoes, we're good. My husband is also the one who

My mother calls her Michelle "MOObama." Which is hilarious, because my mother is like 215 pounds. I'm not fat-shaming (I'm also fat), but how can you call such a fit woman a cow when you're like 100 lb. overweight?