
What a sweetheart! This gives me hope. I have about 1/3 of my kidney function left, so there’s a chance I will need a transplant at some point. There are SO many people who need organs, and so few donor organs available. I only hope someone is kind enough to do this for me. I’d donate, but I think the only organs I

If you look at the makeover pic of Michelle with straight hair, I think the real reason for the curly hair is that it makes the crazy eyes less obvious. Google “Michelle Duggar makeover,” and there’s a side-by-side comparison of her old ‘do and her new ‘do. She looks three times as crazy with the straight hair.

Good for you. I went no-contact with my husband’s stepmom about a year ago. After a few months, I could finally hear the phone ring without feeling like I was going to puke. For five years, I bent over backwards to please her and compliment her. Unfortunately, the second you dare to focus on your own needs and/or not

It’s the Wyoming Valley Mall in Wilkes-Barre.

I live in this area. Our local paper posted pics of the two thieves pulling the bras out of drawers underneath the merchandise tables. There were absolutely no store employees around, and some of the items on the check-out counter look like they were arranged in a way that would make it difficult to see what the

I think the time has passed on requiring spoiler alerts for that event. It happened like 8 years ago!

That was my first thought. That she’s pregnant and now he’s dead, leaving her alone with two kids and a fetus.

Hartsfield is my favorite airport. It’s easy to find everything, the employees are nice, and there is no shortage of food options if your flight is cancelled/delayed and you have to kill a few hours. Plus, I loved the convenience of having a MARTA station right there. Instead of wasting $40 on cabs from the airport to

I took one of those last night, but all I did was watch “Chopped” on Netflix and fall asleep by 10:30. I feel cheated.

I tried a bastardized version of Paleo for six weeks (I don't eat red meat, pork, turkey, luncheon meat, or bacon, just chicken). I had a lipid panel before I changed my diet and then another one six weeks later.

I didn't cry, but I did tell off a total stranger. Backstory: I am pretty spineless when it comes to confrontation. I have a deep-seated need for people to like me, so I don't always speak up when I should.

I think my husband and I have a pretty good thing going. There isn't one person who does every chore. It sort of comes down to who is busiest on a given day. I am self-employed, so if I am on a crazy deadline, he'll cook supper, wash the dinner dishes, and do some laundry. If he's tired from a long day at work, I'll

I read another article that said there are plans in the works to sell the campus to a resort, but I don't know how accurate that is.

Robert H. is the tech mogul from "Shark Tank"!

I have absolutely discussed it with them. My dad is a little more sympathetic than my mom, but they both still think the government shouldn't have the right to force people to have health insurance.

I'm somewhat afraid the ACA is going to ruin my relationship with my parents. I won't give my whole medical history here, because it might out me (and it's boring), but I have serious, serious medical problems. Like, take one serious problem and put it on top of four more, and you've got me. I am lucky I have a skill

I don't know how these non-tippers live with themselves. I have never been well-off by any stretch of the word, but if I didn't have enough to tip after paying my bill, I wouldn't go out to eat at all (or I'd do self-serve food or fast food).

I can attest to that. When my dad had a cardiac catheterization, too much dye leaked out of the catheter and stopped his heart. I don't know how long he was out, but they had to shock him twice to bring him back. He has never been the same. He insists people said/did things they didn't say/do, he gets confused easily,

I'm sure if I had been able to afford an attorney, it wouldn't have been as excessive. I qualified for a public defender, but I had no car, and the public defender's office was a 25-minute drive from where I lived. I had to beg someone to drive me to court for my plea hearing so I didn't end up with a bench warrant

When I was just out of high school, I was an idiot. Lost my job and couldn't pay rent, so I wrote a check to the landlord thinking the bank would pay it and I would owe the bank. Turns out that's what they call writing a bad check, and it's a criminal offense. I had no money to hire an attorney, so I pled guilty and