
This item has changed my life. I get natural dimmable light and it is completely out of the way and is sexy as hell is a geeky sort of way. It is also cheap! I recommend it to everyone since it keeps out of the way in a really clean style.

This item has changed my life. I get natural dimmable light and it is completely out of the way and is sexy as hell

Shit. Made me feel better. At least someone else is going through the same system I did. What makes me mad is when I read stories about people who went through college without a care in teh world and have a great job getting paid upwards of 50k a year. To me, that is a dream that I will never achieve and I have been a

Or medical gloves, or a rubber band, or anything else made out of soft rubber, anything, anything, anything... anything.

As someone who used to hand process dried red chile for homemade chili soose, I can say... balancing flavor is hard, save your time, buy sriracha.

What a fantastic society we live in... You shouldn't use FIAT because you won't have any protection from merchants. You should go into debt instead so that the merchant can overcharge your debtor who has better lawyers than the merchant does so they can handle it. Sound logic for a healthy life. Maybe I should just

I find it INSANELY hard to believe that my ghost is not customizable and there are only a couple shades of the same model cruiser. This seems like the smallest of things that they could have done to improve the game. But then I look at the leaked gear and I realize, "Bungie just doesn't give a shit anymore do they."

My crew just switched back to GTA sadly. We did experience the drop buff. It is probably why we don't give a shit about the game anymore. Everyone has Gljalahjornj and Icebreaker now so it all just seems like a chore more than a quest.

And I don't understand why there are so many complaints about Sucralose amirite? Getting a mouthful of "sugar" at a fraction of the calories seems like a pretty good deal to me, so I don't understand why there are so many complaints about this. (disclosure: never eaten Sucralose)

I believe the term is "Getting it".

Swatting shouldn't even be a thing. It is because we live in a police state that things like this can happen. This is shameful really for the people on the swat team all the way up to the DA. FOR SHAME.

The world needs more Katamari type games.

A new job title for my resume!

The series was full of surprises. And you are right in your article. It was the greatest of it's time. No contest imo.

It is the best first person shooter that I have ever played. Ambiance is unmatched. The inventory system is perfect. Just dedicate a day to it and enjoy your new life as a STALKER.

Thank you, you are definitely correct.

Nope. Space Dandy is the answer we were looking for... Thanks for playing though!

I had it maxed on a i7 with a 560gtx and 12gb ram. I dunno, I will give it another go but if it even resembles what I saw last time I will leave and never come back. :P

On a serious note I always thought the hive is the most advanced of all of the species. I believe them to be the evolution of the Borg in a sense. A species that has surpassed the need for computers because they are able to engineer organics for very specific purposes. The idea that all of this ancient tech from the

Did I read this wrong? sorry ahead of time.

Looks like the standard vague CW movie. From the makers of such recent blockbusters as Superman. No, not that Superman movie, the other one.