
This is revolting. Vile. Abhorrent. There’s not a word that can describe how disgusting a person is who violates a child this way. And his son too?? This is not the kind of behavior that goes away.... These are sick people.... Lock them in a padded room forever so they can never hurt anyone again. And as for his

Upset that someone doesn’t believe my story? ... Humph. I guess one might see it that way.... But it’s one thing to say, “I don’t buy it and that’s my opinion” and another to basically be a gigantic dick about it while trying to goad me into proving my own self a liar. Don’t believe. It’s cool. Doesn’t change or

Obviously there is but one respite for the church’s unswayed:


I guess I will just have to be more specific in the future when hashtaging...

I was as surprised as you are. As I said, I must have watched maybe 10 seconds or less of anything that had children in it before I shut my computer and genuinely freaked out, shaking, crying, sick.

Cool. Don’t believe it. That’s fine. But I will never say this didn’t happen. And honestly, I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else. Thanks for your imput though. It’s super important to me. 👍

Of course not. I’m a stone-hearted, unempathetic, ice cold bitch. I enjoy knowing people suffer. All sarcasm btw. I have a FB I log into once a month and a kinja account I created to submit this story. I’m not much into social media or apps or whatever. I had no idea one could even “report” a video. So, there you go.

Dude. Crazy story!!! Glad you and the fiancé and adorable pup are rid of that parasite!! Bleh!! It’s so strange when you just get that fucking weird vibe off people. I’m usually pretty on point with my initial intuitions in regard to people’s character; and sociopaths (I’ve known more than a few,) creep me the fuck

Isn’t it just so easy to think of a dozen different things you would do were the tables turned... The video was decades old. I had no idea what it was. It scared me. I stopped watching it. Sorry I didn’t go all Olivia Pope about it. I’m thankful there are other people in the world who would know how to handle things

Gah! So so so cute!! 🙈🙈🙈😍😍😍

I shouldn’t feel the need to validate myself. But I actually did make a FB post the night I saw the video, just FYI....

It was truly crazy. But now I kinda feel like a badass about it. I also just don’t watch anything of the paranormal genre where I live anymore. RomCom/SciFi/Action only lol

Ummm. Ewoks: the Battle for Endor is one of my absolute favorite childhood films. I own it on DVD. Your gif just made me really, really happy. #Obscure80sCulture

:/ wth makes bets like that at a party?? Sorry that happened, lady. That’s no fun. But, honestly, those losers don’t sound like the kind of people you want to be around anyway. Hopefully you have a spare kry and can go get your car ASAP.


Also, I'm a lady. I do not know a single guy that would drink that much wine. Or watch Golden Girls. Or sleep with a crow bar next to the bed.

Umm, I went into the apartment because I could hear my dog in duress and I wanted to get to her asap and because my loft apartment was basically just one big room I could see no one was in there when I went in and nothing was missing so I chalked it up to the result of shitty, old, shifting building stuff because,

Of course. :)

Dude. The apartment was absurdly small and stupid expensive. But, NYC, so c’est la vie...