Never Forget
Never Forget
I’m not sure why picking your own interesting name is somehow less acceptable than your parents picking an interesting name for you.
I just wanna say that Truman Peyote is getting jobbed to the tune of 190 Russian-bot-originating votes, and if y’all wanna maintain any kind of journalistic integrity - to say nothing of your souls - you better get your crack team of counter-vote-fixing agents on the case.
Did some research and figured it out. It’s a reference to ONE FUCKING LINE in the song “Smooth” he did with Santana.
I’m not one to excuse bad arguments, but there is no defense for the strike call or anything that followed from Kulpa.
[Rob Thomas looks at the score]
“Mea kulpa.”
Scorsese and DeNiro already made a gritty joker movie, its called the King of Comedy
Counter-Counterpoint: It looks awful.
*looks at the Final Four teams*
Transfer it to Michigan State?
Don’t underestimate a Baptist’s ability to cover shit up
It’s also very on brand
Let me be perfectly clear. I am a student here, and I’ve noticed that there is a “bubble” of close-minded individuals that make up a majority of this school. However, not everyone turns out like this kid who even admitted that he didn’t look into that issue enough. Abortion is not a black and white subject but that’s…
WTF is this?!? I’d let my kids play basketball with R. Kelly before I’d ever let them play hoops with Charles Manson.
Ugh. This is not even white male mediocrity. I can’t believe I made it through 40 seconds of that.
Right-wing theocratic grifters doing things because they’re grifters and not because they’re genuine theocrats still doesn’t make me feel any better.
Why would white southerners be upset about supporting unpaid black labor that brings riches to their institution?
Hate to break it to you, but they see no discrepancy there and don’t mind it at all.
Where the fuck did you grow up? I’ve lived in five states spread across most of the United States and I’ve never heard anyone outside of a woman’s children her “Mother” as a title. (Unless you are perhaps talking about a nun? An abbess? Are abbeys still a thing?)