
You get instagram likes. Every “like” releases a small amount of dopamine and serotonin in your brain, which makes you feel good for a brief moment. When those chemicals are gone, you can experience feelings of emptiness and malaise. So you go hunting for your next fix. They're chasing the dragon.

Donations are a great way to help patients, but don’t do much for providers (besides let them treat patients with a tiny bit less stress on the patient’s part, if they needed financial help getting birth control or other testing). Also, PP regularly touts “only 3% of what we do is abortion!” so donating to them is

Scientist (an astronomer!) checking in here. I don’t think it’s ok to bash or belittle people, but I find the recent resurgence of astrology deeply troubling. It’s not that astrology is useless or without logic. It’s that it makes testable predictions that have never, ever, ever been verified, but people believe in it

One of my best friends since childhood married a man who we LOVED. He was a solid part of our friend group and we always raved about him to her. Fast forward 5 years after their wedding... he was arrested for almost breaking my friend’s nose, in front of their child. He had been physically abusing her for their entire

I went to high school with a very sweet man who was active in the performing arts. We weren’t super close, but we remained friendly acquaintances for the next several decades. He went on to become an elementary school teacher. He and his husband abruptly had a murder-suicide several years ago.

Allow me to tell you all a story, and you make of it whatever you want...

Jezebel recently ran a piece arguing that tea “sucks.”

In what world does your personal situation determine how we refer to other people’s families?

I have a stepbrother and a half-brother and I refer to them as such. I refer to my stepmother as my stepmother. Because that is what makes sense for us given our circumstances.

Spending a ton of money on something of moderate value just to send it to a big trash pile? I thought the Canucks already did that with Louis Eriksson.

WTF is supreme or vetments?  

Just those Siamese and Russian blue-hairs.  Animals!

It’s worse than that. The US givernment has been subsidizing the dairy industry for decades. There are vast silos of unsold cheese. The regan administration even started giving it out to the poor while simultaneously working with fast food joints to try and get them to add cheese to everything in order to drive up

You’d think people could figure out some kind of happy medium between not reporting that Nixon beat the shit out of his wife and keeping the details of a fashion designer’s last words to her teenage daughter. For fucks sake!