This is the result of random screenings instead of more targeted screenings that some countries do.
This is the result of random screenings instead of more targeted screenings that some countries do.
What criteria are you using to determine that he is the best trans athlete ? The article makes no such claim.
Agreed, it is, but she didn’t break her leg
I didn’t saw she couldn’t get lost, I think it’s very difficult to get lost for 17 days
Her story is very sketchy. The Makawao Forest Reserve is only about 3 square miles in size. There are roads in every direction within 5 miles. To be lost for 17 days, means she was either trapped (which she wasn’t), badly injured (which she wasn’t) or she didn’t want to be found.
If anyone bothered to read the article, it takes place in the UK, where only Americans tourists tip the bartender.
Unfortunately, the one thing that could make a difference, is if black players walked out. That would crush the NFL. Unfortunately, the love of a paycheck outweighs any moral outrage that they may feel.
I really love this new photo, hope someone can photoshop out that unfortunate placement of those lines literally running right through her eyes. Great to see her as a younger person.
I realize this is supposed to be a lighthearted look at this, but spoilers are out there on the interwebs. They’ve been spot on for the last two episodes, I can only assume the finale will be the same. I’ll just say, something on this page (including comments) is the actual ending.
True, Singapore is better in the multicultural aspect (except perhaps LGBT), but worse in human rights issues (granted there are far worse offenders).
That’s true, but most woke does not necessarily mean most likely to beat Trump, unfortunately.
Unfortunately, I believe it’s exactly because of the philosophy of conformity of Japanese society that causes it to be so safe, clean, and efficient.
Open office design serves two purposes.
He will probably be cleared since there is reasonable doubt for two reasons:
So guilty until proven innocent ?
You need to be quicker getting out these stories. The following day the market was up over 200 points.
Your argument works only if you ignore the fact the the numbers of abortions for black women equal the number of abortions for white women, despite being a much smaller percentage of the population.
It’s historically very hard to beat the incumbent, especially while inflation is low, job growth high, and wall street is doing well. The people giving him his low popularity numbers are the same who didn’t vote for him the last time, and his supporters are fanatical, while his detractors are split among factions. It…
Liberals are doing what they always do, by destroying each other, pointing out each others weaknesses, and letting Trump waltz in to a second term.
Maybe in the books there may be more representation, but based on the TV series, the Dothraki, are mostly unnamed masses since the departure of Kaal Drogo, the Martels are loosely based on Spain (a white European country), Missandei is the lone representive from Naath, and Davos Seawirth is the Onion Knight, clearly a…