
GOT is filmed primarily in Northern Ireland & Croatia. They are not particular well know for large numbers of POC. It is loosely based on English history, also not exactly filled with POC. Except for Tyrion, I don’t even think there are many American actors at all. Fantasy pieces seem to like using UK actors.

That’s how tariffs work. They are not paid by the country being targeted , but by the consumer buying the product with the tariff. It is discourage consumers from buying that product, and hopefully purchase a domestic equivalent. If you continue to buy the product, then you get screwed.

Biden will be the Dem ticket. I’ve seen this many elections before. Don’t fool yourself about them picking the best candidate, it’s going to be Joe.

The sad truth is men are faster, even the top 15 boys youth record (under 18 years) for the 100m is at least 1/4 second faster than fastest women alive. In track, most of the women losing out to people like Semenya are POC.

Lifehacker doesn’t review or edit (or even read) their stories, they make dumb mistakes like this all the time.

Your numbers are screwed up. It cannot be 1,172,728 million.

Irrelevant listing, most, if not all, of those are from accidents that occur while doing the job, none are from violent acts that can occur. Military would be the only comparable one.

Everything about the show was unrealistic. They all lived well beyond what would be possible in NYC with the their jobs.   The show was pure fiction.

Catholic church is asset rich, but cash “poor”. Yes, they do “own” fabulous riches like those found in the Vatican Museum, but you can’t exactly turn that into cash by selling those.

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Sold in the UK, but possibly manufactured offshore, where they suffer from poor Google translations.

Don’t worry there’s a whole world of cheap labor offshore, as well as automation, that can easily do their jobs.

Around the world, restaurants are beginning to learn what American businesses have known for decades, that rather than dropping their prices, it’s easier/cheaper to provide larger servings.

Agreed, this is a stupid distraction, and makes the left look petty and idiotic. Are there no better battles to be waged ?

BBC History podcast just had a recent interview with the author

In Britain, I believe the game used to go by the name “Snakes and Ladders”

My personal experience is that lately, the wait staff service has gotten very bad. Not sure if it’s related to the expectation that they’re probably going to get 20%, but it seems that way to me sometimes.

That was a very good solution at one time. Judging from the recent glut of unemployed college grads, flooding the job market with college grads, may make the degrees they earn not worth the paper it’s printed on. Perhaps something directing students to more marketable majors ?

Judging from the interviewers reactions, he doesn’t appear to like the long term solution that Booker is proposing.