
Never heard of Nipsey until this week, but his photos always portrayed him as a peaceful soul.  RIP

I’m sure someone will be kind enough to explain, why a company wouldn’t staff their entire firm with women since they cost less ?

Love the fact that his name is Rober (I know it’s not the same spelling)

The loss in members is not always just to atheistic or agnostic camps, sometimes (especially lately among Latinos), the move is to non-denominational fundamentalism, which often takes a much harder stance on progressive issues.

Realistically, Joe is the best chance the Dems have in 2020. Stop trying to destroy him. The others candidates (Booker, Beto, Harris, Warren, and Sanders) will eat each other alive trying to see who is more progressive than the other. Remove Biden from the equation, and the Donald will get 4 more years.

Learn the multi-purpose word sumimasen

Does anyone ever feel that someone being in the upper, upper echelons of society (her net worth over $200 million, living in mansions, flying in private jets, heir to Dreyfus fortune) make these messages seem (as nice as they are) a little hollow ?


Known as the nifty fifty.

Known as the nifty fifty.

Since China is one of the 5 permanent members of the Security Council with full veto rights, there is zero chance of the UN addressing that particular issue.

Militarily, there’s little they can do, since they are a sovereign nation enacting their own laws, against their own people. At best the UN can vote to condemn the action, although with the current members of the UN Human Rights Council, you currently have some real winners in there :(

I guarantee every one of these kid’s parents will describe themselves as woke, and bring up the fact that they voted for Obama (twice !!), and that they have friends who are POC.  Everyone on Jezebel repeats this mantra continually.  Northeast urban liberals are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

Tokyo works because it’s filled with Japanese whose culture dictates the society over the individual. The need of the many outweighs the need of the one. They don’t believe in disturbing & bothering others with their actions.

I always found it funny, at Citi they’ll allow you to bring in a bottle of water if it’s sealed. At Met Life stadium you couldn’t bring in something with a cap.

I’ve noticed a trend on these videos targeted to non-Muslims, it seems they go out of the way to not say Allah, but to just say God instead. Do they use both terms interchangeably in conversation ?

This site is getting as loony as Fox News with conspiracies theories. Occam’s razor, it’s going to be drugs.

Why not UFO abduction while you’re at it.  Occam’s razor, it’s going to be the boyfriend.

I’m glad more women will have the opportunity of having their jobs done for a fraction of the cost by folks in India.

I don’t believe this is completely fair for her to say. If the south fought the civil war to maintain slavery, then it stands to reason that the north fought to end it. 360,000 men from the North died to right this wrong.