
Could we at least compare the US to a country a little closer to our population, like Germany, France or UK ? Finland is only a bit larger than the combined population of Brooklyn and Queens.

I did absolutely nothing, and I’m all out of ideas...

Or it could be better... There are even instances of people being accepted, who decide for personal reasons not to attend. When I lived in NYC as a youth, none of these specialized schools would have been close to where I live. Stuyvesant was over 11 miles from where I lived.

How many of the 190 that scored high enough wanted to go to Stuyvesant instead of one of the others? Brooklyn Tech and Brooklyn Latin got the lions share of that 190. Perhaps location, field of study, or where their friends were going, persuaded them to go to Brooklyn choices rather than to downtown Manhattan to

How will the next problem be solved then, when less qualified students regards of race start flunking out from the difficulty of the course load. Do you make the classes easier ? Those test are designed to test knowledge of math and English which the student will need to survive in these classes.

Couldn’t the same argument be said about HOV lanes.  There have been many times I’ve been sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic, and here to my left is a perfectly good lane with almost no one using it.

Cash payouts can’t be the solution. Even a trillion dollars over nearly 40m people who can claim this, works out to only $25k each. While it’s a nice windfall, you can barely buy a car with this, let alone real estate. Also guess what will happen, prices will go up, and in no time, the money will be gone.   It really

Does this explain the large number of editing, grammar, and spelling issues that I regularly find in lifehacker articles, present company excluded :)  ?

This skit by Trevor’s team was pretty funny

The Nationalists were predominantly Catholic, and the Unionists primarily Protestants. However, quite surprising a large number of the early Nationalist leaders were Protestant. 

Your example has little to do with religion. In Northern Ireland it had to do with Nationalists vs Unionists, not Catholics vs Protestants.

You must be new here.  Editing and research is a thing of the past.

Sounds like the people weren’t crazy for the first reboot. I can’t see why the studios are willing to bet on this again after the $70m loss from the 2016 film.

They should fire the person who wrote that pink slip. The word effective and please are both misspelled on that paper.

I have never heard anyone when quoting their salary include the amount of their 401k/403b match. That money is only given if you put a certain percentage of your money into it, so it’s not a given. It’s a benefit for certain, but it’s never quoted as part of your salary.  At that rate, why not include the cost of your

Elmore “City” population 697

Flashdance was a movie (plus I think you mean Footloose), please name a real town.

May be true in the West, but I would think in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Brunei, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan and Mauritania, it’s not really up to the individual.

Screw that, bosses need to understand the downsides to open floor plans. What little productivity gains there are to be made by watching your employees every move, are far offset by productivity losses caused the constant distractions caused by this layout.

Like the old saying, “If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain”. People tend to get more conservative when they get older and have more things.