The folks at Jezebel assure me that racism has been defeated through their superwokeness.
The folks at Jezebel assure me that racism has been defeated through their superwokeness.
I can see this backfiring. Since companies in the US are not required by law to provide healthcare, these organizations can simply drop all of their healthcare coverage.
Sorry, if the animal hasn’t been trained for the particular task, then it’s not a service animal. There should be some type of training & certification before an animal is allowed onboard.
If you want a nice twist to the Sherlock story, check out Miss Sherlock on HBO. It’s a Japanese version with female leads. Great cast and quite funny at times.
Thanks for the explanation !
Not sure about that, but I believe if you use a nslookup with the IP address it should return the domain. If the site is using HTTPS, that’s all they will know, since the details in the URL will be encrypted.
I just wondering what this really gets you ?
Using this, my DNS queries will be encrypted, but if I can’t use my VPN, the ISP is still seeing the traffic going between me and the site. They still would know what site I’m going to. Although, assuming HTTPS, the traffic would be encrypted.
If you’re using a VPN anyway, most offer DNS service as well. Why not use those ?
Also, the climb down the stairs gets a little dizzying at times, and there are a few spots where there is no handrail. I recommend the view from the tower, but if you suffer from vertigo, or a very bad fear of heights you may want to reconsider.
I can see corporate America taking the next step to avoid dealing with these issues by eliminating free wifi.
Also, pay attention while you’re there, it’s a pickpocket’s wet dream.
I’d recommend a side trip to Montserrat.
Agreed, one of the stupid questions was what was the square footage of one of my former residences. What kind of stupid question is that ? Who the hell knows ??? And the possible answers were very close to one another. Luckily a quick google search found the answer. But if I could do that, so could a bad guy.
I don’t see it being available yet as of 11am Eastern
I’m a bit confused by the article. Customs typically is rather fast anyway. Do you mean passport (border) control ?
I believe it would be a replacement for the phone. Most sites that support real 2FA, will prompt you for a code from either an app like GA or Authy, OR, use a token like the Yubikey or the Titan.
Who cares about the total number of shops or restaurants that exist in the airport. I am not about to leave my particular terminal to go to another one, because going through security is a PITA.
Any word when the second season of Medici: Masters of Florence is returning to Netflix ? Season two is out in Europe, but no word from Netflix. I’m starting to understand why people look to other ways of obtaining the content.
Sorry, unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. Much like states with casino gambling & horse tracks, it doesn’t really give that much extra money to the schools, it just replaces the funds that would normally be given.