
Playing devil’s advocate here for a minute. Realistically there’s nothing in it for a church to be liberal in philosophy. All it results in is empty pews which equates to empty coffers.  If everything’s cool, and God’s a easy going deity, then why bother going when you can sleep late on Sundays with no worries.  It

I’ve seen them in just about every men’s room I’ve ever been in.

It’s not right-wingers per se, it’s fundamentalist Christians who love Israel. The reason for this is the following:

It’s obvious that the Dems are getting ready to run Ocasio-Cortez eventually. Not sure if they’ll have her ready in time for 2020.

Take a song about masturbation and apply it to breast examines ?

Definitely prefer the Sonos Play 1 to the spy-enabled Sonos One.

Definitely prefer the Sonos Play 1 to the spy-enabled Sonos One.

Depending on your device, the signed versions don’t go too far back.

Unfortunately, there are plenty of POC in Southeast Asia who are being screwed by Nike in their sweatshops. Plus come to think of it, they’re screwing plenty of inner-city POC with their outrageously priced products made in those sweatshops. 

Looks like the only counties she carried were near Albany...

I found it interesting that according to the news the other day, she was polling better upstate than in the city.  I’d assume her platform would play better in the city.

Restaurace U Fleku is an interesting pub/restaurant (albeit a tourist trap). Operating since 1499, it’s definitely worth seeing.

I’ve often wondered what that compensation could possibly be ? And to whom would it be given ? Let’s say for argument’s sake, it would be monetary, and it would be given to any American who is listed as Black/African American on the latest census. Wikipedia puts the black population in the US in 2016 as around 40

I know you’re being funny here, but in reality, diamonds are really plentiful, relatively easy to artificially replicate, and basically cheap.

P - R - O - B - A - T - E

No, but there may be fewer of them.  Or costs will simply be passed along to the consumer.

Interesting idea, although “human” payroll tax was paid mostly by the employees, this would be paid completely by the business, so I imagine there would be huge resistance to this.

I had no idea you were suggesting the use of payroll taxes.

You misunderstand what I’m saying.  I’m not taking about the physical location of the businesses. For example, a business can move it’s legal entity and incorporate offshore, much in the same way Apple has been avoiding taxes for years by moving funds through shell entities.

History has shown the corporations don’t like paying taxes and are quite adept at avoiding it (moving offshore, etc). Since the dawn of time, it’s always been the common man who pays the bills. It’ll be interesting to see what happens when they can’t.

Maybe the strategy of raising the minimum wage isn’t enough, it really won’t help anyone, if eventually the machines take our jobs. Perhaps some type a minimum living allowance regardless of employment might be better. Of course, by then, there won’t be anyone left to actually pay for it :)