Quite true, although I’m sure there is some break-even point where the cost of the automation may outweigh a cheaper human solution.
Quite true, although I’m sure there is some break-even point where the cost of the automation may outweigh a cheaper human solution.
Automation has definitely affected employment in non-minimum wage type jobs (consider the use of automation in the auto industry)
Have any of these candidates explained how they will prevent employers from eliminating positions or replacing them with automation ? This seems to be the largest argument against increasing the minimum wage, so far I haven’t seen any one explaining how this would be prevented.
That’s a number I’d love to block
I’m glad to see they’re making the same stupid mistake that MLB has been doing for years. The strategy to move many games to pay channels away from free broadcast channels is helping to prevent new viewers from becoming interested in the game, while at the same time older fans slowly die off. My kids have never…
Paying a 30 year mortgage is like paying the minimum credit card payments, the amount of interest you pay is multiple times the original principle. Instead, what I strongly advise people is to take out a 30 year, but pay additional amounts to the principle each month. The advantage of this is, during hard times, you…
I’ve learned from Judge Judy, when she says to stop talking, you better shut up.
Just giving my opinion on why I believe the risk/reward is not worth it for the service that they’re providing. I don’t need yet another company scanning my data for such a poor reason (despite their claims that they won’t). If it works for you, by all means, enjoy it.
No thanks, perfect example of how convenience trumps security. No way would I ever want some company to access my emails for such a stupid reason. Unless you’re receiving hundred of packages in a year, the risks of this app far outweigh any possible benefits.
How is this series, I’ve been DVR-ing the episodes to eventually get around to watch it, but I’ve spoken to some friends who say it’s been slow, and that they were giving up on it.
I was setting up a joke, which by your response clearly means you missed it.
correction, bottom of the first
When should I have left in the case of the Nationals/Mets 25-4 blowout which was 7-zip after the top of the first ?
The simple solution for these duckboats (short of banning them altogether) is they should not be allowed to have a canopy, and if the weather is raining or windy (which would normally make a roof necessary), then they should not be allowed to go out at all.
Just read your link, interesting that it states
I’m heartbroken every time I see that picture, they looked like the ideal American family. Although the family deserves to receive 10x that amount for the stupidity of that tour company, I’m curious how even with the company’s insurance policy (assuming they had any) how a little shit operation running that tour boat…
Here’s my crazy prediction. The city will begin to decide that it will be impossible to remedy the lead issues in some of their projects. The only solution will be to level them. I used to pass by the Queensbridge projects and often thought that the real estate of that location was potentially worth a fortune (it…
While it’s true that there are huge differences of wealth within the United States, it is very difficult to compare a vast country of 325 million people to Western European countries (Germany 80 million, France 60 million, UK 60 million). In fact when most people rave about European social programs they often refer to…
If by support, you mean thoughts and prayers, it’s a meaningless gesture, either way, with or without them, it’s the same effect.
I like the show, but the creators are making it too complex (at least four timelines, real/westworld/virtual worlds) to prevent people from guessing what’s going to happen. I think this complexity is causing viewers to say WTF and quietly walk away.