
Unfortunately, people in this world do not necessarily get paid according to their talents. They are paid according to how much value they can produce. Mo’Nique is not a household name here in the States, let alone in the world (the market that Netflix serves). Despite her lack of talent, Schumer is much better known

Unfortunately, this school has many serious problems. It is in the bottom 5% of all middle schools in NYS.

Keep paying (less than) minimum wage and this is what you get. Employees who couldn’t care less. They’ll have a new job before the week is out in some other greasy spoon.

I see the school is listed as 74.1% Hispanic, and only 24% Black, maybe the school should be focused on it Latino majority.

Simpsons did it best:

There are a lot of DDs in Philly

I hope it’s not like the paper cups they use for their small coffee size. I’ve nearly scalded myself with those cups since the heat goes right through them. I’ve stopped ordering small for that very reason

My nephew is a cop in NYPD who recently has been selected for using body cam. He loves them. He mentioned that people are automatically a lot more respectful now to him that they are being filmed. People will start harassing him, and all of a sudden back off as soon as they see the camera. He thinks it will vindicate

Republicans would love this plan. Division within the Dems would only help them.

I’m sure the minimum wage employees could care less about their jobs or the company. They’ll just move on to another one. Apathy in retail jobs is incredibly high.

You must be new around here

This sounds too intelligent for NBC where drivel like “This is Us” is popular. Unless they dumb it down and sex it up, it will be cancelled after the first season.

He wasn’t sentenced for saying the words, he was sentenced for the federal crime of interference with flight crew members and attendants. His 1st amendment right of freedom of speech prevents him from being arrested for his words.

No cares about the Grammys. Ratings are down.

Hope so, unfortunately, the lawyers get a ridiculous share.

So sick of all these countless award shows.

I think in years past, it wasn’t done, but it’s becoming more common.

This is absolutely normal for UK wedding. I’ve been to a few and it seems everyone makes a speech. The order I’ve seen is Father of the Bride, The Groom, The Best Man, The Bride, The Chief Bridesmaid.

It really doesn’t matter what the jury awards, unless the defendant settled for that amount, it will be appealed, and the amounts cut tremendously. I recently served on a NYC civil case, and the judge indicated that the number of million dollar plus payouts in that year that were actually paid out in New York state

Agreed, it’s not a get out of jail free card. It’s a professional courtesy, it might get you out of a blown stop sign or very minor speeding ticket, BUT ONLY IF, you’re lucky, you’re polite, you indicate you know you’re wrong, and are sorry, and you catch the cop in a good mood.