
Please explain your logic in this particular case. If the defendant was a POC, a single POC juror could derail the case. But since Louisiana conviction requires a majority vote, how would a single POC vote make a difference. At best it would result in a hung jury, and often the DA drops cases after such an event,

Simply from my own observations, the types of people who really ought to be on the so-called “jury of peers” seemed to fight hardest to get off a jury selection. Juries have seemed to be mostly older white women. This by the way is in a major metropolitan urban area with a very large minority population.

Sorry that facts don’t fit your narrative, but that is not what a bribe is.

Been saying this for years. Too many people depending on Hillary, Bernie, etc to be the savior. Vote the person, not the party.

Cops may abuse their power, but they do not take bribes. If you’re ever in NYC, try bribing your way out of a ticket. Let us know what happens.

Mo’Nique’s numbers completely exclude international results which are a very important to the Hollywood bigwigs.

It’s all about money, and what the perceived audience will be for a given event. Chris and Dave are huge names and will be a enormous draw. Despite Amy Schumer’s lack of talent, she does draw a large audience in some circles (Jezebel loves her for some ungodly reason). Even though Mo’Nique has acting creds and talent

Unfortunately, despite the mayor, the police commisioner, etc saying otherwise, NYPD has ticket quotas. Technically, they’re not called quotas, but police officers who do not meet the “quota” will lose time off “chart time” if they fail to write enough tickets.

Some may argue that you are trading your liquidity for paying off unsecured debt.

Sorry, no. I need my fix of Peaky Blinders, Black Mirror, Stranger Things, Dark, Mindhunters...

Were do you guys come from, I work in an office which is mostly women in a major metropolitan area, and I’ve not heard a peep about it, you are literally the only site I’ve heard talking about this occurring.

“Math is hard” - Malibu Stacy

LOL, sorry, it was Bill Clinton in 1995

The US bombing was defending the Bosnian Muslims, it was against the Bosnian Serbs, who were primarily Orthodox Christian (and quite white)

Middle class has no privacy as well. When I got my job, which is providing my healthcare, I had to be fingerprinted, had criminal background & financial credit checks performed, drug tested, and past work & education history checked.

The Weather Channel ?

Would you please give an example of a president who wasn’t ?

Could the question have been rephrased differently ?

Many people recommend moving your coins away from the exchanges where you purchased them. If you don’t control the private keys, then you really don’t control your coins.

Sorry, I didn’t create the system, nor did I say it was easy.