
Burner account or paypal (I know more fees)

BTW, the 3.99% on 2k would be $78. Only on the initial, basically it’s like a cash advance, they’re going to want their cut.

Yeah, true about the fees. But I’m not spending much on this stuff anyway and I don’t want them to have my checking info.

Why ?

I think you still need Coinbase if you want to purchase it with a credit card.

I hear those Tiny Houses are quite popular now, LOL

To buy crypto that not on Coinbase (for example, Ripple), here’s the way that I find worked best. Since I don’t trust these sites completely, I never wanted to tie a bank account to them, so the below steps assume using a credit card to buy.

This is not investing, it is engaging in speculation. Any money put into crypto should come from excess money that you can afford to lose. Don’t touch your IRAs, 401ks, kids college savings, rent/mortgage payments, insurance, etc. Use instead the money that you would have blown on lattes, movies, etc.

Oprah + Republican control of Congress = 4 more years of nothing getting accomplished.

Please stop giving her coverage. The sooner she vanishes, the better for everyone.

Another useful tip on the trains, please converse quietly when speaking to your family/friends, and also no talking on your cellphones.

If the Republicans keep control of both houses, Oprah would be a very ineffective president. Look how little Trump can accomplish, and he has control of both of the houses. The same thing would have occurred had Hillary won, the Congress would squash anything she was promoting.

Use the Metro to get around. The Metro is fast, efficient, safe, and spotless. Signs are also in English. Pick up a PASMO or SUICA card.

Kids create finsta accounts to keep their parents from snooping

A good example of how democrats are not necessarily good for POC. Vote the person and not party.

Should be interesting because banks finance their long term investments like mortgages with short term products like savings and checking. When short term rates increase relative to long term rates, there is going to be problems. It’s bad for them to be funding 3.5% 30 year mortgages with 2% savings accounts.

I’ve heard rumors saying as early as later this week. I assume when it does happen the price will go up since buying it will be so much easier than today. What I’ve done was buy BTC in Coinbase, and then use a site like Changelly, Shapeshift, Evercoin to go from BTC to XRP.

Rumors are saying Coinbase will be adding Ripple soon.

Bitcoin is the currency of all things shady. It’s an untraceable currency. It’s widely used on the dark web for many bad, bad things.

It’s simple why attendance is dropping, and it’s not piracy.