Remember the Super Bowl celebration?
Remember the Super Bowl celebration?
The sad part is, you were most likely not the only one to notice these “irregularities.” The problem is that sometimes the squeaky wheel doesn’t get greased, it gets replaced.
Half the fun of visiting this drum circle is reading the titles and picturing the writers, mid temper tantrum, typing up their latest barbs as they work through the latest way the world has wronged them.
Thieves were doing the Lord’s work.
I noticed none of these block gizmodo/kinja deals/lifehacker/jalopnik etc. between 7am and 4pm.
Did they not turn in the correct paperwork?
That is hilariously false, but instead of arguing I will just go along with your premise and offer this:
Private colleges are vastly overrated. A good student can excel just about anywhere. Private colleges garner much of their prestige from exclusivity and smaller enrollments.
Will you be providing a review of the new “fresh” quarter pounders from McDonalds? Apparently the beef isn’t frozen....
We need a follow up piece on their Churros!
have you seen the gut on the average American?
I think the real moral of the story is that if a mustang is involved, you are fucked.
Thank you for this. Term misuse is one of my pet peeves, not just about firearms, but in general.
Damn science always ruining the fun. I finally saw The Last Jedi, and I noticed for the first time that all these humans can apparently breathe in space, and somehow don’t get sucked out when the spaceships fall apart around them. I don’t know if I can ever watch another Star Wars film again.
It’s even worse when its a passenger airbag, because apparently those are different inside and production hasn’t begun to ramp up yet on replacements.
I don’t even know how long I’ve been waiting for a new passenger airbag for my Fusion. I have to warn my friends of potential death by Takata ninja stars before I let them ride with me.
So... the Q&A was shut down because of time, or because the question was awful?
It depends on where it was taped. From a quick Google search, only 12 states require consent from all parties.
It’s only awful if its not JIF.
Sadly this wouldn’t work with Popeye’s...