My sarcasm detector is tingling...
My sarcasm detector is tingling...
Thank you for providing the correct definition of racism. Too many people use racism and discrimination interchangeably, often to say X person/group can’t be racist against Y because of Z. What they really mean is X person/group can’t discriminate against Y because of Z.
Am I the only one that has turned major sports drafts into a wtfkindofnameisthat drinking game?
I thought I heard a mouthpiece claiming they weren’t calling it plagiarism because the speech itself was so generic you couldn’t say it wasn’t Melania’s experience.
Is that really the moderator’s job though?
I’m enjoying the chaos.
He would have been worth 5 additional points if he was riding his bike.
Well, here they would have been handled by ICE anway....
Yes. bin Laden is currently rotting on the bottom of the ocean.
Of course! Kurt must now be crucified alive and never allowed to work again. What? His friends haven’t abandoned him because he said something stupid (again).” Amy must be pro rape, we need to retaliate against her too!
We should just remove all Olympic events. There are already international competitions in all of these sports.
I saw a new doctor last week to get my sinuses/throat roto-rootered (yay insurance), but they won’t even talk surgery unless I’m under 240... in which case they say I wouldn’t have apnea to begin with...
I hear Juarez is nice during August.
wouldn’t the water be purple then and not green?
They have a symbiotic marriage of political convenience. I really wish she would have kicked that cheating bastard to the curb, but I understand why she couldn’t, or chose not to.
As the saying goes “When in Rome...”