
An awful lot of Republicans have despised the Clintons for the past 25 years, many made a lucrative career from it.

“I fee like people are completely ignoring the fact that their is a solid portion of his own party that has committed to vote against him.”

There are so many “toss-up” states going by recent polling that it’s terrifying enough. There’s a very good chance that Hillary wins but doesn’t get past 300, which would be the closest election since 2004.

Teddy Roosevelt should be on some goddamn money. Like, print half of the $20s with Tubman and half with Teddy.

This is what “law enforcement” looks like in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave in 2016. We are neither.

The alleged gunman was quoted as saying “I’ve made a huge tiny mistake.”

This is the stagediest stage job in history.

This is a very weird story and I don’t know how to feel about it because

I emailed Anna.

All, there are trolls on the loose. Flag and dismiss please.

“God has a plan” is another one i hate. I know it (usually) comes from a good place, of wanting to help someone find some meaning when their loved ones are taken from them. For me, despite being Christian ( just not very loud about it) and beliving in God and Jesus, I did not want to hear that right after my father

Isn’t it funny - the talking to randos school of journalism totally has its place. The key is, you talk to randos and then you use these conversations to figure out what’s going on. You don’t know what’s going on first, and then look around for people to talk to who will confirm or liven up or lend local color to your

i’m fine being pals with all of my wife’s long as i am better looking and more endowed than them.

In happier news, a woman who was born prior to women being allowed to vote just cast her ballot for Hillary Clinton. It’s pretty incredible to think all that this woman has seen in her lifetime and that she is alive today to not only vote but for the first female presidential candidate.

Um, guess who the prosecutor was for Marc Rich? Guess who was on special counsel for the Whitewater investigation, which later involved Kenneth Starr, which led to Monica Lewinsky investigation? Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but yup it was Mr. Comey.

My advice is to vote as soon as you can. These are legitimately unsafe times for our Democracy. The FBI is LITERALLY in the tank for Donald Trump. Think upon that for a moment and then go and VOTE.

Meteor 2016, I think we’re ready for you.