
Not to mention all the crap people send presidents that ends up in the library collections. The Reagan Library has about 1 million things made of jelly beans stored in the basement.

This is one of the best interviews I’ve seen on this site, and I’ve been reading since 2008. Thank you. And if you talk to her again, please tell *Elizabeth thank you for sharing.

Not surprising he uses toddler logic: I get what I want, the system is fair and untainted. I do not get what I want, NOFAIR NOFAIR NOFAIR!

They also say urea-based moisturizers are good at reducing KP, which is the bane of my existence.

Then feel sorry for all women, because I don’t know of one who doesn’t have a story like this.

Shitty as this is to say, I’m a little grateful that she is, objectively, very beautiful. Not becuase it matters, but that defense of “I wouldn’t touch her! Look at her!” does not hold up in any way here. It’s 20 years later and she’s stunning (kinda looks like Melania, honestly).

Also: There’s no good way to express

At my second job I work with a bunch of college students and try very hard to make sure I’m using “women” when I refer to the ladies b/c I always say “the guy I work with” and “girl” sounds so infantilizing.

You’re not. I never understood why this running joke was funny to anyone.

I was waiting for this reference! :-)

Nope. Not the only one.

I agree with this, although I’ll go to Romeo & Juliet for peak DiCaprio.

I like to watch returns with other people but I dont think I want to be out this year. I’m that worries about my own safety after she wins.

I took a break this weekend and am currently practicing a moratorium of sorts. Not like anything I read is going to change my opinion at this point anyway!

Same. This week’s news cycle has pushed me to a very bad place. I finally began to realize how many times people touched my body without my permission and the number of times I let it happen, sometimes without realizing how wrong it was.

That was my thought. She makes her money as a GOP strategist. She can’t just say that she’s voting for Hillary no matter what. But she can say she’s conflicted if it’s very close. It gives her just enough wiggle room to vote her conscience (Clinton) without outright lying to the people who eventually may employ her.

The one thing Dems seem to be fucking up is their response to undecideds. We have a saying in the office: Do you want to be right, or do you want to get what you want?

Oh, God. Is that as horrible as it sounds?

My understanding is that the rules of the GOP would not allow for that. And to make them allow for that they would still need a vote and there just isn’t enough time.

If it were oppo it would have come out long before now. These wome. Have protected themselves from his wrath for a long time.

KC Star had a story (probably AP) from athletes who are furious that the locker room is getting roped into this discussion. They were like, “Uh, this is NOT WHAT HAPPENS IN A LOCKER ROOM.” I get that the phrase is metaphorical in many ways, but still. I was happy to see them speak out that this is gross, abuser